Ayodhya Kaanda - Sarga 1
This Sarga describes Rāma’s personality, Daṡaratha’s decision to crown him as the king and assembling everyone to make that announcement.
கச்சதா மாதுலகுலம் பரதேந ததாऽநக ।
ஸத்ருக்நோ நித்யஸத்ருக்நோ நீத: ப்ரீதிபுரஸ்க்ருத: ॥
gacchatā mātulakulaṃ bharatēna tadā'nagha ।
ṡatrughnō nityaṡatrughnō nītaḥ prītipuraskṛtaḥ ॥
When Bharata had left for the home of his maternal uncle,
he took along with him, out of affection,
Ṡatrughna, the unafflicted and the destroyer of foes.
There are four parts in this Sarga. First part (Ṡlōkas 1- 30) describes the excellent qualities of Rāma. This is like his resume.
The second part (Ṡlōkas 31-39) describes consideration for the well deserving promotion for him to be the future king.
The third part (Ṡlōkas 40-41) describes taking the decision to give the promotion after discussing with the inner circles.
The final and fourth part (Ṡlōkas 31-41) describes the preparation for the announcement.
I have seen this four part sequence repeat in corporate life many a time. The more I read Ramayana, the more I appreciate its timelessness.
Every successful executive ensures that these steps are done diligently in this specific order.
தத்ர ந்யவஸத்ப்ராத்ரா ஸஹ ஸத்காரஸத்க்ருத: ।
மாதுலேநாஸ்வபதிநா புத்ரஸ்நேஹேந லாலித: ॥
tatra nyavasadbhrātrā saha satkārasatkṛtaḥ ।
mātulēnāṡvapatinā putrasnēhēna lālitaḥ ॥
There he lived with his brother,
entertained with all hospitality,
and cherished by his uncle Aṡwapati
with paternal affection.
தத்ராபி நிவஸந்தௌ தௌ தர்ப்யமாணௌ ச காமத: ।
ப்ராதரௌ ஸ்மரதாம் வீரௌ வ்ருத்தம் தஸரதம் ந்ருபம் ॥
tatrāpi nivasantau tau tarpyamāṇau ca kāmataḥ ।
bhrātarau smaratāṃ vīrau vṛddhaṃ daṡarathaṃ nṛpam ॥
However, even though they are happy and liked to be there,
their minds are always occupied with thoughts of
their valiant brothers and the aged king Daṡaratha.
ராஜாऽபி தௌ மஹாதேஜா ஸ்ஸஸ்மார ப்ரோஷிதௌ ஸுதௌ ।
உபௌ பரதஸத்ருக்நௌ மஹேந்த்ரவருணோபமௌ ॥
rājā'pi tau mahātējā ssasmāra prōṣitau sutau ।
ubhau bharataṡatrughnau mahēndravaruṇōpamau ॥
And that supremely radiant king also has been
thinking, again and again, about the sons
Bharata and Ṡatrughna, who are away,
and comparable with Mahēndra and Varuna.
ஸர்வ ஏவ து தஸ்யேஷ்டாஸ்சத்வார: புருஷர்ஷபா: ।
ஸ்வஸரீராத்விநிர்வ்ருத்தாஸ்சத்வார இவ பாஹவ: ॥
sarva ēva tu tasyēṣṭāṡcatvāraḥ puruṣarṣabhāḥ ।
svaṡarīrādvinirvṛttāṡcatvāra iva bāhavaḥ ॥
He loved all the four of them, best among the men,
as if they were four arms extending from his own body.
தேஷாமபி மஹாதேஜா ராமோ ரதிகர:பிது: ।
ஸ்வயம்பூரிவ பூதாநாம் பபூவ குணவத்தர: ॥
tēṣāmapi mahātējā rāmō ratikaraḥpituḥ ।
svayambhūriva bhūtānāṃ babhūva guṇavattaraḥ ॥
Even among them, Rāma of blazing power and surpassing virtues
was most endearing to the father,
like the self-born (Brahma) was to all beings.
ஸ ஹி தேவைருதீர்ணஸ்ய ராவணஸ்ய வதார்திபி: ।
அர்திதோ மாநுஷே லோகே ஜஜ்ஞே விஷ்ணுஸ்ஸநாதந: ॥
sa hi dēvairudīrṇasya rāvaṇasya vadhārthibhiḥ ।
arthitō mānuṣē lōkē jajñē viṣṇussanātanaḥ ॥
Wasn’t he, after all, the eternal Vishnu himself,
who has taken a birth into this world
to slay the conceited Rāvaṇa, upon the request of the Dēvas?
கௌஸல்யா ஸுஸுபே தேந புத்ரேணாமிததேஜஸா ।
யதா வரேண தேவாநாமதிதிர்வஜ்ரபாணிநா ॥
kausalyā ṡuṡubhē tēna putrēṇāmitatējasā ।
yathā varēṇa dēvānāmaditirvajrapāṇinā ॥
Even Kousalyā shined splendidly because of
the boundless radiance of her son,
like Aditi because of Indra, the best among the Dēvas,
with Vajra adorning his hand.
Vajra is the weapon of Indra.
ஸ ஹி ரூபோபபந்நஸ்ச வீர்யவாநநஸூயக: ।
பூமாவநுபமஸ்ஸூநுர்குணைர்தஸரதோபம: ॥
sa hi rūpōpapannaṡca vīryavānanasūyakaḥ ।
bhūmāvanupamassūnurguṇairdaṡarathōpamaḥ ॥
He was extremely handsome, full of prowess,
free from envy and comparable to Daṡaratha in virtues.
He was, verily, an incomparable son on this earth.
ஸ து நித்யம் ப்ரஸாந்தாத்மா ம்ருதுபூர்வம் ச பாஷதே ।
உச்யமாநோऽபி பருஷம் நோத்தரம் ப்ரதிபத்யதே ॥
sa tu nityaṃ praṡāntātmā mṛdupūrvaṃ ca bhāṣatē ।
ucyamānō'pi paruṣaṃ nōttaraṃ pratipadyatē ॥
He was always calm and collected, and spoke gently.
He wouldn’t get provoked even if spoken to harshly.
கதஞ்சிதுபகாரேண க்ருதேநைகேந துஷ்யதி ।
ந ஸ்மரத்யபகாராணாம் ஸதமப்யாத்மவத்தயா ॥
kathañcidupakārēṇa kṛtēnaikēna tuṣyati ।
na smaratyapakārāṇāṃ ṡatamapyātmavattayā ॥
Fully assured of himself,
he remembers even the smallest favor done to him and
would easily forgive even hundreds of offenses against him.
ஸீலவ்ருத்தைர்ஜ்ஞாநவ்ருத்தைர்வயோவ்ருத்தைஸ்ச ஸஜ்ஜநை: ।
கதயந்நாஸ்த வை நித்யமஸ்த்ரயோக்யாந்தரேஷ்வபி ॥
ṡīlavṛddhairjñānavṛddhairvayōvṛddhaiṡca sajjanaiḥ ।
kathayannāsta vai nityamastrayōgyāntarēṣvapi ॥
Always, even in between his practice of weapons,
he used to have discourses with good people,
who are ripened with age, wisdom or character.
புத்திமாந்மதுராபாஷீ பூர்வபாஷீ ப்ரியம்வத: ।
வீர்யவாந்ந ச வீர்யேண மஹதா ஸ்வேந விஸ்மித: ॥
buddhimānmadhurābhāṣī pūrvabhāṣī priyaṃvadaḥ ।
vīryavānna ca vīryēṇa mahatā svēna vismitaḥ ॥
He was intelligent and spoke pleasantly.
He always led the conversations with right words.
He was valiant, but was never obsessed with his great valor.
நசாந்ருதகதோ வித்வாந் வ்ருத்தாநாம் ப்ரதிபூஜக: ।
அநுரக்த: ப்ரஜாபிஸ்ச ப்ரஜாஸ்சாப்யநுரஞ்ஜதே ॥
nacānṛtakathō vidvān vṛddhānāṃ pratipūjakaḥ ।
anuraktaḥ prajābhiṡca prajāṡcāpyanurañjatē ॥
He spoke nothing but truth.
He was learned, but at the same time,
he was enthusiastic about respecting elders.
He was loved by his people and he loved his people.
ஸாநுக்ரோஸோ ஜிதக்ரோதோ ப்ராஹ்மணப்ரதிபூஜக: ।
தீநாநுகம்பீ தர்மஜ்ஞோ நித்யம் ப்ரக்ரஹவாம்ஸ்சுசி: ॥
sānukrōṡō jitakrōdhō brāhmaṇapratipūjakaḥ ।
dīnānukampī dharmajñō nityaṃ pragrahavāṃṡcuciḥ ॥
He was very empathetic.
He was in full control of his temperament.
He enthusiastically honored Brāhmaṇas.
He was kind to the distressed.
He was a savant of Dharma.
He was thoughtful and pure.
குலோசிதமதி: க்ஷாத்ரம் தர்மம் ஸ்வம் பஹுமந்யதே ।
மந்யதே பரயா கீர்த்யா மஹத்ஸ்வர்கபலம் தத: ॥
kulōcitamatiḥ kṣātraṃ dharmaṃ svaṃ bahumanyatē ।
manyatē parayā kīrtyā mahatsvargaphalaṃ tataḥ ॥
His thoughts were befitting of his race.
He has high regards to his Kshātra Dharma.
He considers that it will bring him great
reputation in this world and reward in the heavens hereafter.
நாऽऽஸ்ரேயஸி ரதோ வித்வாந்நவிருத்தகதாருசி: ।
உத்தரோத்தரயுக்தௌ ச வக்தா வாசஸ்பதிர்யதா ॥
nā''ṡrēyasi ratō vidvānnaviruddhakathāruciḥ ।
uttarōttarayuktau ca vaktā vācaspatiryathā ॥
He doesn’t delve into frivolous pursuits.
He doesn’t like conspiracy theories.
He was learned and eloquent like Bṛhaspati in debates.
அரோகஸ்தருணோ வாக்மீ வபுஷ்மாந்தேஸகாலவித் ।
லோகே புருஷஸாரஜ்ஞ ஸ்ஸாதுரேகோ விநிர்மித: ॥
arōgastaruṇō vāgmī vapuṣmāndēṡakālavit ।
lōkē puruṣasārajña ssādhurēkō vinirmitaḥ ॥
He was free from disease, young, eloquent and handsome.
He has a great sense of place, time and people.
He was one of a kind of gentleman, created in this world.
ஸ து ஸ்ரேஷ்டைர்குணைர்யுக்த: ப்ரஜாநாம் பார்திவாத்மஜ: ।
பஹிஸ்சர இவ ப்ராணோ பபூவ குணத: ப்ரிய: ॥
sa tu ṡrēṣṭhairguṇairyuktaḥ prajānāṃ pārthivātmajaḥ ।
bahiṡcara iva prāṇō babhūva guṇataḥ priyaḥ ॥
With such excellent qualities, that prince
endeared himself to the people and was
like their own life moving around outside.
ஸம்யக்வித்யாவ்ரதஸ்நாதோ யதாவத்ஸாங்கவேதவித் ।
இஷ்வஸ்த்ரே ச பிதுஸ்ஸ்ரேஷ்டோ பபூவ பரதாக்ரஜ: ॥
samyagvidyāvratasnātō yathāvatsāṅgavēdavit ।
iṣvastrē ca pituṡṡrēṣṭhō babhūva bharatāgrajaḥ ॥
He graduated in colors in the studies of
all the Vēdas including all their branches.
That elder brother of Bharata surpassed
his father in the skill of archery.
கல்யாணாபிஜநஸ்ஸாதுரதீந ஸ்ஸத்யவாக்ருஜு: ।
வ்ருத்தைரபிவிநீதஸ்ச த்விஜைர்தர்மார்ததர்ஸிபி: ॥
kalyāṇābhijanassādhuradīna ssatyavāgṛjuḥ ।
vṛddhairabhivinītaṡca dvijairdharmārthadarṡibhiḥ ॥
He was a perfect gentleman of noble descent.
He was straightforward, honest and uncowed in spirit.
He was properly trained by mature Brāhmaṇas
who are well versed in Dharma and Artha.
தர்மகாமார்ததத்த்வஜ்ஞ: ஸ்ம்ருதிமாந்ப்ரதிபாநவாந் ।
லௌகிகே ஸமயாசாரே க்ருதகல்போ விஸாரத: ॥
dharmakāmārthatattvajñaḥ smṛtimānpratibhānavān ।
laukikē samayācārē kṛtakalpō viṡāradaḥ ॥
He was a savant of the essence of Dharma, Artha and Kāma.
He was talented and has great memory.
He was skilled and knowledgeable
in matters of worldly etiquette and manners.
Rāmāyaṇa’s focus is mainly on the first three of the Purushārthas, i.e., Dharma, Artha and Kāma, contrary to the belief of some people that it is about Mōksha. There is hardly any discussion in Rāmāyaṇa about the nature after life or universe or Brahman, as is the case with Mahābhārata in general and Bhagavadgīta in particular.
நிப்ருதஸ்ஸம்வ்ருதாகாரோ குப்தமந்த்ரஸ்ஸஹாயவாந் ।
அமோகக்ரோதஹர்ஷஸ்ச த்யாகஸம்யமகாலவித் ॥
nibhṛtassaṃvṛtākārō guptamantrassahāyavān ।
amōghakrōdhaharṣaṡca tyāgasaṃyamakālavit ॥
All of this was covered in his humility.
He keeps his own counsel.
Neither his anger nor pleasure was never in vain.
He knew when to yield and when to hold.
த்ருடபக்திஸ்ஸ்திரப்ரஜ்ஞோ நாஸத்க்ராஹீ ந துர்வசா: ।
நிஸ்தந்த்ரிரப்ரமத்தஸ்ச ஸ்வதோஷபரதோஷவித் ॥
dṛḍhabhaktissthiraprajñō nāsadgrāhī na durvacāḥ ।
nistandrirapramattaṡca svadōṣaparadōṣavit ॥
He was firm in his devotion.
His intellect was unwavering.
He would neither take misinformation, nor speak one.
He was never lazy and always vigilant.
He was aware of his own shortcomings and those of others.
ஸாஸ்த்ரஜ்ஞஸ்ச க்ருதஜ்ஞஸ்ச புருஷாந்தரகோவித: ।
ய: ப்ரக்ரஹாநுக்ரஹயோர்யதாந்யாயம் விசக்ஷண: ॥
ṡāstrajñaṡca kṛtajñaṡca puruṣāntarakōvidaḥ ।
yaḥ pragrahānugrahayōryathānyāyaṃ vicakṣaṇaḥ ॥
He knew Ṡāstras. He knew how to be grateful.
He knew the how to differentiate one person from the other.
He was very discreet in granting favors
and delivering justice, in a fair and equitable manner.
ஸத்ஸங்க்ரஹப்ரக்ரஹணே ஸ்தாநவிந்நிக்ரஹஸ்ய ச ।
ஆயகர்மண்யுபாயஜ்ஞ ஸ்ஸந்த்ருஷ்டவ்யயகர்மவித் ॥
satsaṅgrahapragrahaṇē sthānavinnigrahasya ca ।
āyakarmaṇyupāyajña ssandṛṣṭavyayakarmavit ॥
He knew whom to support and whom to suppress.
He knew the Upāyas of earning and
and responsibilities in spending.
Upāya has the connotation of technique and strategy.
ஸ்ரைஷ்ட்யம் ஸாஸ்த்ரஸமூஹேஷு ப்ராப்தோ வ்யாமிஸ்ரகேஷு ச ।
அர்ததமௌ ச ஸங்க்ருஹ்ய ஸுகதந்த்ரோ ந சாலஸ: ॥
ṡraiṣṭhyaṃ ṡāstrasamūhēṣu prāptō vyāmiṡrakēṣu ca ।
arthadhamau ca saṅgṛhya sukhatantrō na cālasaḥ ॥
He was proficient in the many Ṡāstras
and also in the interdisciplinary subjects.
He knows how to pursue Artha and Dharma
that would ultimately lead to happiness.
He was never lethargic.
Note that Artha and Dharma are not taken to be the ends in themselves. Rather they are enablers of happiness.
வைஹாரிகாணாம் ஸில்பாநாம் விஜ்ஞாதாऽऽர்தவிபாகவித் ।
ஆரோஹே விநயே சைவ யுக்தோ வாரணவாஜிநாம் ॥
vaihārikāṇāṃ ṡilpānāṃ vijñātā''rthavibhāgavit ।
ārōhē vinayē caiva yuktō vāraṇavājinām ॥
He knows how to use money for arts and entertainment.
He knows how to subdue and mount on horses and elephants.
தநுர்வேதவிதாம் ஸ்ரேஷ்டோ லோகேऽதிரதஸம்மத: ।
அபியாதா ப்ரஹர்தா ச ஸேநாநயவிஸாரத: ॥
dhanurvēdavidāṃ ṡrēṣṭhō lōkē'tirathasammataḥ ।
abhiyātā prahartā ca sēnānayaviṡāradaḥ ॥
He was best among the archers in the world.
He was hailed even by Atirathas.
He was knows well how to run armies
straight into the enemy camps and annihilate them.
Ratha means Chariot. This word is used as part of the ranking of warriors. The ranking starts from foot soldier, at the bottom, on to horse mounted soldier, to elephant mounted warrior to chariot mounted warrior.
And among the chariot mounted, there are Atirathas (Super) Mahārathas (Great) and Artharathas (‘half-as-good’).
Rāma was hailed even by the Atirathas.
அப்ரத்ருஷ்யஸ்ச ஸங்க்ராமே க்ருத்தைரபி ஸுராஸுரை: ।
அநஸூயோ ஜிதக்ரோதோ ந த்ருப்தோ ந ச மத்ஸரீ ।
ந சாவமந்தா பூதாநாம் ந ச காலவஸாநுக: ॥
apradhṛṣyaṡca saṅgrāmē krudhdairapi surāsuraiḥ ।
anasūyō jitakrōdhō na dṛptō na ca matsarī ।
na cāvamantā bhūtānāṃ na ca kālavaṡānugaḥ ॥
Even the most resolute Dēvas and Rākshasas
could contain him in fight.
He was free from envy, anger, hubris and resentment.
He never slighted or disparaged any being.
Circumstances never cowed him.
ஏவம் ஸ்ரேஷ்டகுணைர்யுக்த: ப்ரஜாநாம் பார்திவாத்மஜ: ।
ஸம்மதஸ்த்ரிஷு லோகேஷு வஸுதாயா: க்ஷமாகுணை: ।
புத்த்யா ப்ருஹஸ்பதேஸ்துல்யோ வீர்யேணாபி ஸசீபதே: ॥
ēvaṃ ṡrēṣṭhaguṇairyuktaḥ prajānāṃ pārthivātmajaḥ ।
sammatastriṣu lōkēṣu vasudhāyāḥ kṣamāguṇaiḥ ।
buddhyā bṛhaspatēstulyō vīryēṇāpi ṡacīpatēḥ ॥
He was held in high esteem by people of all three worlds.
He was like the Earth in forbearance,
Bṛihaspati in wisdom and Indra in valor.
Such excellent qualities made him
the most suitable prince for the people.
ததா ஸர்வப்ரஜாகாந்தை: ப்ரீதிஸம்ஜநநை: பிது: ।
குணைர்விருருசே ராமோ தீப்தஸ்ஸூர்ய இவாம்ஸுபி: ॥
tathā sarvaprajākāntaiḥ prītisaṃjananaiḥ pituḥ ।
guṇairvirurucē rāmō dīptassūrya ivāṃṡubhiḥ ॥
With such qualities, that are a source of delight,
he became endearing to all people and to his father,
and was shining like the resplendent sun.
தமேவம் வ்ரதஸம்பந்நமப்ரத்ருஷ்யபராக்ரமம் ।
லோக பாலோபமம் நாதமகாமயத மேதிநீ ॥
tamēvaṃ vratasampannamapradhṛṣyaparākramam ।
lōka pālōpamaṃ nāthamakāmayata mēdinī ॥
He was comparable to the Guardians of the worlds,
with such avowed virtues and indomitable prowess
that the lands were awaiting him to be the lord.
ஏதைஸ்து பஹுபிர்யுக்தம் குணைரநுபமைஸ்ஸுதம் ।
த்ருஷ்ட்வா தஸரதோ ராஜா சக்ரே சிந்தாம் பரந்தப: ॥
அத ராஜ்ஞோ பபூவைவம் வ்ருத்தஸ்ய சிரஜீவிந: ।
ப்ரீதிரேஷா கதம் ராமோ ராஜா ஸ்யாந்மயி ஜீவதி ॥
ētaistu bahubhiryuktaṃ guṇairanupamaissutam ।
dṛṣṭvā daṡarathō rājā cakrē cintāṃ parantapaḥ ॥
atha rājñō babhūvaivaṃ vṛddhasya cirajīvinaḥ ।
prītirēṣā kathaṃ rāmō rājā syānmayi jīvati ॥
The aged king Daṡaratha, the harrier of the foes,
who had a long life, seeing his son endowed with such
innumerable and incomparable qualities, thought:
“How would I have the pleasure of seeing
Rāma become the king while I was alive!”
ஏஷா ஹ்யஸ்ய பரா ப்ரீதிர்ஹ்ருதி ஸம்பரிவர்ததே ।
கதா நாம ஸுதம் த்ரக்ஷ்யாம்யபிஷிக்தமஹம் ப்ரியம் ॥
ēṣā hyasya parā prītirhṛdi saṃparivartatē ।
kadā nāma sutaṃ drakṣyāmyabhiṣiktamahaṃ priyam ॥
That thought of having the pleasure of
seeing his dear son crowned as a king
occupied his mind consistently.
வ்ருத்திகாமோ ஹி லோகஸ்ய ஸர்வபூதாநுகம்பந: ।
மத்த: ப்ரியதரோ லோகே பர்ஜந்ய இவ வ்ருஷ்டிமாந் ॥
vṛddhikāmō hi lōkasya sarvabhūtānukampanaḥ ।
mattaḥ priyatarō lōkē parjanya iva vṛṣṭimān ॥
“Like a cloud that only knows how to shower,
his only urge is to help the world prosper!
With his ability to empathize with everyone,
he is even more likable to people than me!”
யமஸக்ரஸமோ வீர்யே ப்ருஹஸ்பதிஸமோ மதௌ ।
மஹீதரஸமோ த்ருத்யாம் மத்தஸ்ச குணவத்தர: ॥
yamaṡakrasamō vīryē bṛhaspatisamō matau ।
mahīdharasamō dhṛtyāṃ mattaṡca guṇavattaraḥ ॥
“With valor comparable to that of Yama and Ṡakra,
intellect comparable to that of Bṛhaspati and
firmness comparable to that of mountains
he surpasses me in every aspect!”
மஹீமஹமிமாம் க்ருத்ஸ்நாமதிதிஷ்டந்தமாத்மஜம் ।
அநேந வயஸா த்ருஷ்ட்வா யதாஸ்வர்கமவாப்நுயாம் ॥
mahīmahamimāṃ kṛtsnāmadhitiṣṭhantamātmajam ।
anēna vayasā dṛṣṭvā yathāsvargamavāpnuyām ॥
“At my age, seeing the son ruling the entire earth
is nothing short of attaining the heaven itself.”
இத்யேதைர்விவிதைஸ்தைஸ்தைரந்யபார்திவதுர்லபை: ।
ஸிஷ்டைரபரிமேயைஸ்ச லோகே லோகோத்தரைர்குணை: ।
தம் ஸமீக்ஷ்ய மஹாராஜோ யுக்தம் ஸமுதிதைஸ்ஸுபை: ।
நிஸ்சித்ய ஸசிவைஸ்ஸார்தம் யுவராஜமமந்யத ॥
ityētairvividhaistaistairanyapārthivadurlabhaiḥ ।
ṡiṣṭairaparimēyaiṡca lōkē lōkōttarairguṇaiḥ ।
taṃ samīkṣya mahārājō yuktaṃ samuditaiṡṡubhaiḥ ।
niṡcitya sacivaissārdhaṃ yuvarājamamanyata ॥
Finding united in him all those excellent qualities
that are hard to be found among kings,
as well as many other uncommon virtues, too numerous to reckon,
the King deliberated with his ministers and decided on
proclaiming him as the heir apparent to the throne.
திவ்யந்தரிக்ஷே பூமௌ ச கோரமுத்பாதஜம் பயம் ।
ஸஞ்சசக்ஷேऽத மேதாவீ ஸரீரே சாத்மநோ ஜராம் ॥
divyantarikṣē bhūmau ca ghōramutpātajaṃ bhayam ।
sañcacakṣē'tha mēdhāvī ṡarīrē cātmanō jarām ॥
Thereafter, seeing bad omens on the earth and in the skies,
That thoughtful Daṡaratha talked about his aging body.
பூர்ணசந்த்ராநநஸ்யாத ஸோகாபநுதமாத்மந: ।
லோகே ராமஸ்ய புபுதே ஸம்ப்ரியத்வம் மஹாத்மந: ॥
pūrṇacandrānanasyātha ṡōkāpanudamātmanaḥ ।
lōkē rāmasya bubudhē sampriyatvaṃ mahātmanaḥ ॥
He felt that the darling of the worlds
with the countenance of a full moon
would relieve him of all his worries.
ஆத்மநஸ்ச ப்ரஜாநாம் ச ஸ்ரேயஸே ச ப்ரியேண ச ।
ப்ராப்தகாலேந தர்மாத்மா பக்த்யா த்வரிதவாந் ந்ருப: ॥
ātmanaṡca prajānāṃ ca ṡrēyasē ca priyēṇa ca ।
prāptakālēna dharmātmā bhaktyā tvaritavān nṛpaḥ ॥
That king, who was a Dharmātma, for the
sake of his own comfort and well being
and for that of all the people
wanted to act quickly, in a timely manner.
நாநாநகரவாஸ்தவ்யாந்ப்ருதக்ஜாநபதாநபி ।
ஸமாநிநாய மேதிந்யா: ப்ரதாநாந்ப்ருதிவீபதீந் ॥
nānānagaravāstavyānpṛthagjānapadānapi ।
samānināya mēdinyāḥ pradhānānpṛthivīpatīn ॥
He summoned all the important kings
and all the important personalities
from the cities and the rural areas.
ந து கேகயராஜாநம் ஜநகம் வா நராதிப: ।
த்வரயா சாநயாமாஸ பஸ்சாத்தௌ ஸ்ரோஷ்யத: ப்ரியம் ॥
na tu kēkayarājānaṃ janakaṃ vā narādhipaḥ ।
tvarayā cānayāmāsa paṡcāttau ṡrōṣyataḥ priyam ॥
For want of time, he did not invite
king Janaka or the king of Kēkaya
assuming that they would only be
happy to learn about the news later.
Note that king Janaka is the father-in-law of Rāma and king of Kēkaya is the father-in-law of Daṡaratha.
தாந்வேஸ்மநாநாபரணைர்யதாऽர்ஹம் ப்ரதிபூஜிதாந் ।
ததர்ஸாலங்க்ருதோ ராஜா ப்ரஜாபதிரிவ ப்ரஜா: ॥
tānvēṡmanānābharaṇairyathā'rhaṃ pratipūjitān ।
dadarṡālaṅkṛtō rājā prajāpatiriva prajāḥ ॥
When they were welcomed with due honors,
properly lodged and presented with jewels,
the king, clad in robes of state, received them,
as a progenitor would meet his progeny.
அதோபவிஷ்டே ந்ருபதௌ தஸ்மிந்பரபலார்தநே ।
தத: ப்ரவிவிஸுஸ்ஸேஷா ராஜாநோ லோகஸம்மதா: ॥
athōpaviṣṭē nṛpatau tasminparabalārdanē ।
tataḥ praviviṡuṡṡēṣā rājānō lōkasammatāḥ ॥
When he, the harrier of foes, had taken his seat,
all the remaining kings who were acclaimed by peoples, entered.
அத ராஜவிதீர்ணேஷு விவிதேஷ்வாஸநேஷு ச ।
ராஜாநமேவாபிமுகா: நிஷேதுர்நியதா ந்ருபா: ॥
atha rājavitīrṇēṣu vividhēṣvāsanēṣu ca ।
rājānamēvābhimukhāḥ niṣēdurniyatā nṛpāḥ ॥
Then, the kings occupied the various seats assigned to them,
facing the king, in an orderly manner.
புராலயைர்ஜாநபதைஸ்ச மாநதை: ।
உபோபவிஷ்டைர்ந்ருபதிர்வ்ருதோ பபௌ
ஸஹஸ்ரசக்ஷுர்பகவாநிவாமரை: ॥
purālayairjānapadaiṡca mānadaiḥ ।
upōpaviṣṭairnṛpatirvṛtō babhau
sahasracakṣurbhagavānivāmaraiḥ ॥
Surrounded by the obedient and respecting
kings, chiefs from cities and rural areas,
who were well received with honors,
he was shining like the thousand-eyed lord,
Indra surrounded by the Dēvas.
இத்யார்ஷே ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே வால்மீகீயே ஆதிகாவ்யே
அயோத்யாகாண்டே ப்ரதமஸ்ஸர்க: ।
ityārṣē ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē vālmīkīyē ādikāvyē
ayōdhyākāṇḍē prathamassargaḥ ।
Thus concludes the first Sarga
in Ayōdhyā Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
the first ever poem of humankind,
composed by Vālmeeki.
We completed reading 2292 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.