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  • NaaraayaNeeyam

    Dasakam : 6 Shlokham : 10

    ईदृग्जगन्मयवपुस्तव कर्मभाजां कर्मावसानसमये स्मरणीयमाहु: । तस्यान्तरात्मवपुषे विमलात्मने ते वातालयाधिप नमोऽस्तु निरुन्धि रोगान् ॥१०॥

    This is the VIRAT form of the Lordand this form is meditated upon at the end ofall Vedic Karmas and also at the time of death." O Lord of Guruvayoor", concludes the poet at the end of the 6th Dasaka,"You are the In-dweller of that Virat form. Human beings who are bound by the law of Karma should remember this Viraat (cosmic) form of Thine, which is of the nature of pure Sattva, at the end of all rituals, and when desirous of liberation and at the time of death. O Lord of Guruvaayur! Have mercy on me and eradicate my ailments!"