Dasakam: 006 -- Shlokam: 04
त्वद्ब्रह्मरन्ध्रपदमीश्वर विश्वकन्द
छन्दांसि केशव घनास्तव केशपाशा: ।
उल्लासिचिल्लियुगलं द्रुहिणस्य गेहं
पक्ष्माणि रात्रिदिवसौ सविता च नेत्रै ॥४॥
tvadbrahmarandhrapadamiishvara vishvakanda
Chandaamsi keshava ghanaastava keshapaashaaH |
ullaasichilliyugalaM druhiNasya gehaM
pakshmaaNi raatridivasau savitaa cha netre ||
Chandaamsi keshava ghanaastava keshapaashaaH |
ullaasichilliyugalaM druhiNasya gehaM
pakshmaaNi raatridivasau savitaa cha netre ||
Oh Lord who are the root cause of the Universe ! The Lord's body is conceived as made up ofall other things in the Universe also.The Vedas came from the "BRAHMARANDHRA" (crown of the head).Clouds came from his hair.the eyebrows are the abode of Brahma.The eyelashes are the night and day.The eyes became the Sun.