Dasakam: 005 -- Shlokam: 10
अण्डं तत्खलु पूर्वसृष्टसलिलेऽतिष्ठत् सहस्रं समा:
निर्भिन्दन्नकृथाश्चतुर्दशजगद्रूपं विराडाह्वयम् ।
साहस्रै: करपादमूर्धनिवहैर्निश्शेषजीवात्मको
निर्भातोऽसि मरुत्पुराधिप स मां त्रायस्व सर्वामयात् ॥१०॥
aNDaM tatkhalu puurvasR^iShTasalile(a)tiShThat sahasraM samaaH nirbhindannakR^ithaashchaturdashajagadruupaM viraaDaahvayam | saahasraiH karapaadamuurdhanivahairnishsheShajiivaatmakO nirbhaatO(a)si marutpuraadhipa sa maaM traayasva sarvaamayaat10
This Brahmanda remained latent for a thousand years.And then came the 14 worlds as "VIRAT",with thousands of hands, thousands of feet, thousands of heads etc. which is known as Thy Viraat Roopa (cosmic form); O Lord of Guruvayoor,Thou who did make these 14 worlds (VIRAT)!Kindly protect me from all my ailments!