Dasakam: 005 -- Shlokam: 07
भूमन् मानसबुद्ध्यहंकृतिमिलच्चित्ताख्यवृत्त्यन्वितं तच्चान्त:करणं विभो तव बलात् सत्त्वांश एवासृजत् । जातस्तैजसतो दशेन्द्रियगणस्तत्तामसांशात्पुन- स्तन्मात्रं नभसो मरुत्पुरपते शब्दोऽजनि त्वद्बलात् ॥७॥
bhuuman maanasa buddhyahankR^iti milachchittaakhya vR^ittyanvitaM tachchaantaH karaNaM vibhO tava balaat sattvaamsha evaasR^ijat | jaatastaijasatO dashendriyagaNastattaamasaamshaatpunastanmaatraM nabhasO marutpurapate shabdO(a)jani tvadbalaat ||
O Lord! The Satwic aspect of Ahamkara created also the ANTHAKKARANA CHITTA,the inner equipments (the mind stuff).From the Rajasic aspect of Ahamkara,the ten sense organs were created(5 Karmendriyaas and 5 Jnanendriyaas). From the Tamasic Ahamkara, sound was born.From sound came space and the element of touch and then came air, fire, taste, water, smell amd earth.These elements by themselves could not create anything.The Supreme Consciousness, the Lord (energy) entered them and activated them and thus created the "BRAHMANDA"