Dasakam: 005 -- Shlokam: 05
तत्रासौ त्रिगुणात्मकोऽपि च महान् सत्त्वप्रधान: स्वयं जीवेऽस्मिन् खलु निर्विकल्पमहमित्युद्बोधनिष्पाद्क: । चक्रेऽस्मिन् सविकल्पबोधकमहन्तत्त्वं महान् खल्वसौ सम्पुष्टं त्रिगुणैस्तमोऽतिबहुलं विष्णो भवत्प्रेरणात् ॥५॥
tatraasau triguNaatmakO(a)pi cha mahaan sattvapradhaanaH svayaM jiive(a)smin khalu nirvikalpamahamityudbOdhaniShpaadakaH | chakresmin savikalpabOdhakamahantattvaM mahaan khalvasau sampuShTaM triguNaistamO(a)tibahulaM viShNO bhavatpreraNaat ||
Oh Guruvayoorappa! This principle of intelligence is endowed with the three gunas. Being activated by that Supreme Consciosness,and being roused by Time. The principle of Intelligence was projected by Maya.This came to be known as "MAHAT". Although a f "Prakriti" with its constituent qualities of Sathwa, Rajas and Tamas,the 'mahat' was predominantly Sathwa in nature with no separate individuality or status of its own.A bit more of "TAMAS" was then added to "Mahat"and it now came to be known as "AHAMKARA" (Egoity),rooted in separateness, difference and plurality.