Dasakam 04 Shlogam-15
अर्चिरादिगतिमीदृशीं व्रजन् विच्युतिं न भजते जगत्पते ।
सच्चिदात्मक भवत् गुणोदयानुच्चरन्तमनिलेश पाहि माम् ॥१५॥
tatra vaa tava pade(a)thavaa vasan praakR^itapralaya eti muktataam |
sachchidaatmaka bhavadguNOdayaanuchcharantamanilesha paahi maam ||15
O Lord of the Universe! The devotee who successfully completes this arduous soul does not fall any more to the netherworlds. O Lord of Guruvaayur! who art the embodiment of truth and reality ; . I am Thy humble devotee singing Thy praises. Please protect me!
sachchidaatmaka bhavadguNOdayaanuchcharantamanilesha paahi maam ||15
O Lord of the Universe! The devotee who successfully completes this arduous soul does not fall any more to the netherworlds. O Lord of Guruvaayur! who art the embodiment of truth and reality ; . I am Thy humble devotee singing Thy praises. Please protect me!