Dasakam: 004 -- Shlokam: 14
तस्य च क्षितिपयोमहोऽनिलद्योमहत्प्रकृतिसप्तकावृती: ।
तत्तदात्मकतया विशन् सुखी याति ते पदमनावृतं विभो ॥१४॥
archiraadigatimiidR^ishiiM vrajan vichyutiM na bhajate jagatpate |
tattadaatmakatayaa vishan sukhii yaati te padamanaavR^itaM vibhO ||14
Oh Lord ! Thy devotee enters each of the seven sheath of the cosmic sphere,i.e. earth, water, fire, air, space, the cosmic intelligence, and primordial nature. Thy devotee breaks through all these barriers and enjoys the bliss and finally reach Thy unobstructed stateand merge in Thee and attains salvation at Thy lotus feet.
tattadaatmakatayaa vishan sukhii yaati te padamanaavR^itaM vibhO ||14
Oh Lord ! Thy devotee enters each of the seven sheath of the cosmic sphere,i.e. earth, water, fire, air, space, the cosmic intelligence, and primordial nature. Thy devotee breaks through all these barriers and enjoys the bliss and finally reach Thy unobstructed stateand merge in Thee and attains salvation at Thy lotus feet.