Dasakam: 004 -- Shlokam: 06
ध्यायतां सकलमूर्तिमीदृशीमुन्मिषन्मधुरताहृतात्मनाम् ।
सान्द्रमोदरसरूपमान्तरं ब्रह्म रूपमयि तेऽवभासते ॥६॥
dhyaayataaM sakala muurtimiidR^ishiiM unmiShanmadhurataa hR^itaatmanaam |
saandramOda rasa ruupamaantaraM brahmaruupamayi te(a)vabhaasate ||
O Lord! By thus performing dhyaana on Thee and getting captivated by the sweetness of Thy formful aspect (Saguna), and gradually their minds shall enjoy the concentrated bliss of Thy impersonal aspect (Nirguna), which shines as the Brahman or eternal truth and bliss.