Narayaneeyam Dashaka -4- Yoga and its Attainment
Dasakam: 004 -- Shlokam: 01
कल्यतां मम कुरुष्व तावतीं कल्यते भवदुपासनं यया ।
स्पष्टमष्टविधयोगचर्यया पुष्टयाशु तव तुष्टिमाप्नुयाम् ॥१॥
kalyataaM mama kuruShva taavatiiM kalyate bhavadupaasanaM yayaa |
spaShTamaShTavidhayOgacharyayaa puShTayaa(a)(a)shu tava tuShTimaapnuyaam || 1
Bhattatiri,implores upon the Lord of Guruvayoor to bless him with normal health necessary to worship Thee. Then he shall practice the eight-limbed yoga (Ashtanga Yoga) and earn Thy grace. As per the "ASHTANGA YOGA", the purpose of lifeis to worship the Lord through the eight-fold steps leading to spiritual realization.The eight limbs are Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama,Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi.