Upon waking up,Join the hands to form a hollow, concentrate on it and perform Kardarshan. Have a Bhav while reciting each part of the Shlok that, the #Deity resides in that protion of the hand.Kardarshan Prayer
कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मी: करमध्ये सरस्वती ।
करमूले तु गोविंद: प्रभाते करदर्शनम् ।।
Karagre Vasate Laxmi | Karamadhye Saraswati |
Karamule Tu Govindam | Prabhate Karadarshanam ||
O Goddess Lakshmi the deity of prosperity, You reside in the front portion of my palms,
O Goddess Saraswati the deity of knowledge, You reside in the middle portion of my palms,
O Lord Govinda* You reside in the base of my palms, that is why O God, it is so important for me to behold my own palms – first thing in the morning, upon waking up.
*(Lord Krishna is lovingly called by this name)
Source:Perumal Temple
Upon waking up,Join the hands to form a hollow, concentrate on it and perform Kardarshan. Have a Bhav while reciting each part of the Shlok that, the #Deity resides in that protion of the hand.Kardarshan Prayer
कराग्रे वसते लक्ष्मी: करमध्ये सरस्वती ।
करमूले तु गोविंद: प्रभाते करदर्शनम् ।।
Karagre Vasate Laxmi | Karamadhye Saraswati |
Karamule Tu Govindam | Prabhate Karadarshanam ||
O Goddess Lakshmi the deity of prosperity, You reside in the front portion of my palms,
O Goddess Saraswati the deity of knowledge, You reside in the middle portion of my palms,
O Lord Govinda* You reside in the base of my palms, that is why O God, it is so important for me to behold my own palms – first thing in the morning, upon waking up.
*(Lord Krishna is lovingly called by this name)
Source:Perumal Temple