Dakshinamurthy Stotram -
Vishwam Darpana Drishyamana - in sanskrit with meaning
दक्षिणामूर्ति स्तोत्रम्

Sri Dakshinamurthy
मौनव्याख्या प्रकटित परब्रह्मतत्त्वं युवानं
वर्षिष्ठांते वसद् ऋषिगणौः आवृतं ब्रह्मनिष्ठैः ।
आचार्येन्द्रं करकलित चिन्मुद्रमानंदमूर्तिं
स्वात्मारामं मुदितवदनं दक्षिणामूर्तिमीडे ॥
Mauna-Vyaakhyaa Prakattita Para-Brahma-Tattvam Yuvaanam
Varssisstthaam-Te Vasad Rssigannauh Aavrtam Brahma-Nisstthaih |
Aacaarye[a-I]ndram Kara-Kalita Cin-Mudram-Aananda-Muurtim
Sva-[A]atmaaraamam Mudita-Vadanam Dakssinnaamuurti-Miidde ||
1: (Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy) Whose Exposition through Profound Silence is Awakening the Knowledge of the Supreme Brahman in the Hearts of His Disciples; Who is Himself Youthful ...
2: ... but is Sitting Surrounded by Old and Great Sages who are Devoted to Brahman,
3: The Hands of the Supreme Spiritual Teacher is Forming the Cin-Mudra (gesture of the Knowledge of Brahman) and Whose Appearance is Still and Blissful,
4: Who is Rejoicing in His Own Self which is reflected on His Blissful Face; Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy.
Sri Dakshinamurthy
विश्वं दर्पणदृश्यमाननगरीतुल्यं निजान्तर्गतं
पश्यन्नात्मनि मायया बहिरिवोद्भूतं यथा निद्रया ।
यः साक्षात्कुरुते प्रबोधसमये स्वात्मानमेवाद्वयं
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥१॥
Vishvam Darpanna-Drshyamaana-Nagarii-Tulyam Nija-Antargatam
Pashyann-Aatmani Maayayaa Bahir-Ivo[a-U]dbhuutam Yathaa Nidrayaa |
Yah Saakssaat-Kurute Prabodha-Samaye Sva-[A]atmaanam-Eva-Advayam
Tasmai Shrii-Guru-Muurtaye Nama Idam Shrii-Dakssinnaamuurtaye ||1||
(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His Profound Silence)
1.1: The Entire World is Like a City Seen within a Mirror, the Seeing happening within One's Own Being,
1.2: It is a Witnessing happening within the Atman, (the Witnessing) of the Externally Projected World; Projected by the Power of Maya; As if a Dream in Sleep,
1.3: One Experiences this Directly (this Play of Maya) during Spiritual Awakening within the Non-Dual Expanse of One's Own Atman,
1.4: Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy.
Sri Dakshinamurthy
बीजस्याऽन्तरिवाङ्कुरो जगदिदं प्राङ्गनिर्विकल्पं पुनः
मायाकल्पितदेशकालकलना वैचित्र्यचित्रीकृतम् ।
मायावीव विजृम्भयत्यपि महायोगीव यः स्वेच्छया
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥२॥
Biijasya-Antar-Iva-Angkuro Jagad[t]-Idam Praangga-Nirvikalpam Punah
Maayaa-Kalpita-Desha-Kaala-Kalanaa Vaicitrya-Citrii-Krtam |
Maayaavi-Iva Vijrmbhayaty-Api Mahaa-Yogi-Iva Yah Sve[a-I]cchayaa
Tasmai Shrii-Guru-Muurtaye Nama Idam Shrii-Dakssinnaamuurtaye ||2||
(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His Profound Silence)
2.1: This World is Like a Sprout of a Seed Within which transforms what is Changeless state Before, appear Again ...
2.2: ... as Space and Time, and endless Varieties of Pictures over it; all due to the Creation of Maya,
2.3: This Unfolding of the World (from the Seed) which is Like a Play of a Magician, happens to one Who is Like a
Mahayogi out of His Own Free Will (i.e. a Mahayogi can enter the state of Samadhi out of his own free will and witness the unfolding of the world when He comes out of Samadhi),
2.4: Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy.
Sri Dakshinamurthy
यस्यैव स्फुरणं सदात्मकमसत्कल्पार्थकं भासते
साक्षात्तत्त्वमसीति वेदवचसा यो बोधयत्याश्रितान् ।
यत्साक्षात्करणाद्भवेन्न पुनरावृत्तिर्भवाम्भोनिधौ
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥३॥
Yasya-Eva Sphurannam Sada[a-A]atmakam-Asat-Kalpa-Arthakam Bhaasate
Saakssaat-Tat-Tvam-Asi-Iti Veda-Vacasaa Yo Bodhayaty-Aashritaan |
Yat-Saakssaat-Karannaad-Bhaven-Na Punaraavrttir-Bhavaam-Bho-Nidhau
Tasmai Shrii-Guru-Muurtaye Nama Idam Shrii-Dakssinnaamuurtaye ||3||
(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His Profound Silence)
3.1: By This Throb Alone which is of the Nature of Eternal Underlying Awareness, the Unreal Forms get their Meanings and Appear over the Mind,
3.2: This Knowledge of the Atman Spoken of in the Vedas as "Tat-Tvam-Asi" is Imparted by Our Inner Guru as a Direct Experience when we Surrender Whole-Heartedly to Him,
3.3: By Direct Experience of this Knowledge, the Delusion of being tossed within an unending Ocean of Worldly Existence will Not Appear Again,
3.4: Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy.
Sri Dakshinamurthy
नानाच्छिद्रघटोदरस्थितमहादीपप्रभा भास्वरं
ज्ञानं यस्य तु चक्षुरादिकरणद्वारा वहिः स्पन्दते ।
जानामीति तमेव भान्तमनुभात्येतत्समस्तं जगत्
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥४॥
Naanaac-Chidra-Ghatto[a-U]dara-Sthita-Mahaa-Diipa-Prabhaa Bhaasvaram
Jnyaanam Yasya Tu Cakssur-Aadi-Karanna-Dvaaraa Vahih Spandate |
Jaanaam-Iiti Tam-Eva Bhaantam-Anubhaaty-Etat-Samastam Jagat
Tasmai Shrii-Guru-Muurtaye Nama Idam Shrii-Dakssinnaamuurtaye ||4||
(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His Profound Silence)
4.1: As the Light of a Great Lamp Situated Inside a Pitcher having Many Holes, Shine Outwards, ...
4.2: ... similarly, the Knowledge of That Only (i.e. Atman) Throb Outwards through our Eyes and Other Sense Organs,
4.3: "I Know", He Alone Shining (i.e Atman), This Entire World Shines ...
4.4: Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy.
Sri Dakshinamurthy
देहं प्राणमपीन्द्रियाण्यपि चलां बुद्धिं च शून्यं विदुः
स्त्रीबालान्धजडोपमास्त्वहमिति भ्रान्ता भृशं वादिनः ।
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥५॥
Deham Praannam-Api-Indriyaanny-Api Calaam Buddhim Ca Shuunyam Viduh
Strii-Baala-Andha-Jaddo(a-U)pamaas-tv[u-]Aham-Iti Bhraantaa Bhrsham Vaadinah |
Tasmai Shrii-Guru-Muurtaye Nama Idam Shrii-Dakssinnaamuurtaye ||5||
(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His Profound Silence)
5.1: Those who Consider the Body or Prana (Vital Force) or Sense Organs or the Changing Mind or the Void (Total Non-Existence) ...
5.2: ... as the "I", are Like a Naive Innocent Girl Child, or a Blind, or a Dull-Headed; they are Deluded but they Vehemently Assert their Points,
5.3: The Inner Guru Destroys this Great Delusion Created by the Play of the Power of Maya,
5.4: Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy.
Sri Dakshinamurthy
राहुग्रस्तदिवाकरेन्दुसदृशो मायासमाच्छादनात्
सन्मात्रः करणोपसंहरणतो योऽभूत्सुषुप्तः पुमान् ।
प्रागस्वाप्समिति प्रबोधसमये यः प्रत्यभिज्ञायते
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥६॥
Raahu-Grasta-Divaakare[a-I]ndu-Sadrsho Maayaa-Sama-[A]acchaadanaat
San-Maatrah Karanno[a-U]pasangharannato Yo(a-A]bhuut-Sussuptah Pumaan |
Praag-Asvaapsam-Iti Prabodha-Samaye Yah Pratyabhijnyaayate
Tasmai Shrii-Guru-Muurtaye Nama Idam Shrii-Dakssinnaamuurtaye ||6||
(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His Profound Silence)
6.1: Just Like the Sun and the Moon are Eclipsed by Rahu, the Pure Consciousness is Eclipsed by Maya (for a spiritually ignorant person),
6.2: A Spiritually Elevated Soul can enter that state of Unborn Deep Sleep (i.e. Pure Consciousness) by Withdrawing His Sense Organs to such an extent that Only the Real Essence remains,
6.3: That state (i.e. Pure Consciousness) is experienced during Spiritual Awakening whereby one clearly Perceives that "Before I was Sleeping" (by being eclipsed by Maya),
6.4: Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy.
Sri Dakshinamurthy
बाल्यादिष्वपि जाग्रदादिषु तथा सर्वास्ववस्थास्वपि
व्यावृत्तास्वनुवर्तमानमहमित्यन्तः स्फुरन्तं सदा ।
स्वात्मानं प्रकटीकरोति भजतां यो मुद्रयाभद्रया
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥७॥
Baalya-Adissv(u)-Api Jaagrad-Aadissu Tathaa Sarvaasv[u]-Avasthaasv[u]-Api
Vyaavrttaasv[u]-Anu-Vartamaanam-Aham-Ity[i]-Antah Sphurantam Sadaa |
Sva-[A]atmaanam Prakattii-Karoti Bhajataam Yo Mudrayaa-Bhadrayaa
Tasmai Shrii-Guru-Muurtaye Nama Idam Shrii-Dakssinnaamuurtaye ||7||
(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His Profound Silence)
7.1: During Boyhood and Other stages of Life (Youth, Old age etc), during Waking and Other states (Dreaming, Deep Sleep, Turiya etc) and Similarly in All Conditions ...
7.2: ... the Atman Always Shines as the "I" Within, Free from All Conditions but at the same time Present in All Conditions,
7.3: The Inner Guru Awakens this Knowledge of One's Own Atman to those who Surrender to Him; this Knowledge which is represented by the Auspicious Cin-Mudra,
7.4: Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy.
Sri Dakshinamurthy
विश्वं पश्यति कार्यकारणतया स्वस्वामिसम्बन्धतः
शिष्याचार्यतया तथैव पितृपुत्राद्यात्मना भेदतः ।
स्वप्ने जाग्रति वा य एष पुरुषो मायापरिभ्रामितः
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥८॥
Vishvam Pashyati Kaarya-Kaaranna-Tayaa Svasvaami-Sambandhatah
Shissya-[A]acaarya-Tayaa Tatha-Eva Pitr-Putraady[i]-Aatmanaa Bhedatah |
Svapne Jaagrati Vaa Ya Essa Purusso Maayaa-Paribhraamitah
Tasmai Shrii-Guru-Muurtaye Nama Idam Shrii-Dakssinnaamuurtaye ||8||
(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His Profound Silence)
8.1: The Differentiations that we See in the World as Cause and Effect, as Possessor-Possession Relations, ...
8.2: ... as the Disciple-Teacher, and Also as Father-Son Relations etc, are all Differentiations within the One Atman,
8.3: In Dream or Waking state, He, the One Purusha is always present, and (as if) Maya Wanders over Him and gives rise to all these Differentiations,
8.4: Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy.
Sri Dakshinamurthy
भूरम्भांस्यनलोऽनिलोऽम्बरमहर्नाथो हिमांशु पुमान्
इत्याभाति चराचरात्मकमिदं यस्यैव मूर्त्यष्टकम्
नान्यत् किञ्चन विद्यते विमृशतां यस्मात्परस्माद्विभोः
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥९॥
Bhuur-Ambhaamsy-Analo-[A]nilo-[A]mbaram-Aharnaatho Himaamshu Pumaan
Ity[i]-Aabhaati Cara-Acara-[A]atmakam-Idam Yasya-Eva Muurty[i]-Assttakam
Naanyat Kin.cana Vidyate Vimrshataam Yasmaat-Parasmaad-Vibhoh
Tasmai Shrii-Guru-Muurtaye Nama Idam Shrii-Dakssinnaamuurtaye ||9||
(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His Profound Silence)
9.1: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space, Sun, Moon and Jiva, ...
9.2: ... are Verily His (i.e. Atman's) Eight Manifestations Shining within the Moving and the Non-Moving forms,
9.3: Apart from Him (i.e. Atman) there Cannot Exist anything; The Yogis who Reflect (i.e. Meditate) within Discover Him as the Essence From Which Everything Originates, ... Discover Him as Existing Beyond Everything as the Eternal Essence,
9.4: Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy.
Sri Dakshinamurthy
सर्वात्मत्वमिति स्फुटीकृतमिदं यस्मादमुष्मिन् स्तवे
तेनास्य श्रवणात्तदर्थमननाद्ध्यानाच्च संकीर्तनात् ।
सर्वात्मत्वमहाविभूतिसहितं स्यादीश्वरत्वं स्वतः
सिद्ध्येत्तत्पुनरष्टधा परिणतं चैश्वर्यमव्याहतम् ॥१०॥
Sarva-[A]atmatvam-Iti Sphuttii-Krtam-Idam Yasmaad-Amussmin Stave
Tena-Asya Shravannaat-Tadartha-Mananaad-Dhyaanaac-Ca Sangkiirtanaat |
Sarva-(A)atmatva-Mahaa-Vibhuuti-Sahitam Syaad-Iishvaratvam Svatah
Siddhyet-Tat-Punar-Assttadhaa Parinnatam Ca-[A]ishvaryam-Avyaahatam ||10||
(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His Profound Silence)
10.1: Since the Divine Essence in All is Made Clear in this Hymn,
10.2: Hence by Listening to It, Contemplating on its Meaning, Meditating on It, and Glorifying it,
10.3: One becomes Endowed with the Greatness of the Knowledge of the Divine Essence ( present in All ); Perhaps the Divine Essence by Itself ...
10.4: ... will Awaken within him after that Again, the Eightfold Manifestations of Divine Powers (Siddhis) Unimpeded.
Source:Mantra & shlokas
Vishwam Darpana Drishyamana - in sanskrit with meaning
दक्षिणामूर्ति स्तोत्रम्
Sri Dakshinamurthy
मौनव्याख्या प्रकटित परब्रह्मतत्त्वं युवानं
वर्षिष्ठांते वसद् ऋषिगणौः आवृतं ब्रह्मनिष्ठैः ।
आचार्येन्द्रं करकलित चिन्मुद्रमानंदमूर्तिं
स्वात्मारामं मुदितवदनं दक्षिणामूर्तिमीडे ॥
Mauna-Vyaakhyaa Prakattita Para-Brahma-Tattvam Yuvaanam
Varssisstthaam-Te Vasad Rssigannauh Aavrtam Brahma-Nisstthaih |
Aacaarye[a-I]ndram Kara-Kalita Cin-Mudram-Aananda-Muurtim
Sva-[A]atmaaraamam Mudita-Vadanam Dakssinnaamuurti-Miidde ||
1: (Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy) Whose Exposition through Profound Silence is Awakening the Knowledge of the Supreme Brahman in the Hearts of His Disciples; Who is Himself Youthful ...
2: ... but is Sitting Surrounded by Old and Great Sages who are Devoted to Brahman,
3: The Hands of the Supreme Spiritual Teacher is Forming the Cin-Mudra (gesture of the Knowledge of Brahman) and Whose Appearance is Still and Blissful,
4: Who is Rejoicing in His Own Self which is reflected on His Blissful Face; Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy.
Sri Dakshinamurthy
विश्वं दर्पणदृश्यमाननगरीतुल्यं निजान्तर्गतं
पश्यन्नात्मनि मायया बहिरिवोद्भूतं यथा निद्रया ।
यः साक्षात्कुरुते प्रबोधसमये स्वात्मानमेवाद्वयं
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥१॥
Vishvam Darpanna-Drshyamaana-Nagarii-Tulyam Nija-Antargatam
Pashyann-Aatmani Maayayaa Bahir-Ivo[a-U]dbhuutam Yathaa Nidrayaa |
Yah Saakssaat-Kurute Prabodha-Samaye Sva-[A]atmaanam-Eva-Advayam
Tasmai Shrii-Guru-Muurtaye Nama Idam Shrii-Dakssinnaamuurtaye ||1||
(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His Profound Silence)
1.1: The Entire World is Like a City Seen within a Mirror, the Seeing happening within One's Own Being,
1.2: It is a Witnessing happening within the Atman, (the Witnessing) of the Externally Projected World; Projected by the Power of Maya; As if a Dream in Sleep,
1.3: One Experiences this Directly (this Play of Maya) during Spiritual Awakening within the Non-Dual Expanse of One's Own Atman,
1.4: Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy.
Sri Dakshinamurthy
बीजस्याऽन्तरिवाङ्कुरो जगदिदं प्राङ्गनिर्विकल्पं पुनः
मायाकल्पितदेशकालकलना वैचित्र्यचित्रीकृतम् ।
मायावीव विजृम्भयत्यपि महायोगीव यः स्वेच्छया
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥२॥
Biijasya-Antar-Iva-Angkuro Jagad[t]-Idam Praangga-Nirvikalpam Punah
Maayaa-Kalpita-Desha-Kaala-Kalanaa Vaicitrya-Citrii-Krtam |
Maayaavi-Iva Vijrmbhayaty-Api Mahaa-Yogi-Iva Yah Sve[a-I]cchayaa
Tasmai Shrii-Guru-Muurtaye Nama Idam Shrii-Dakssinnaamuurtaye ||2||
(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His Profound Silence)
2.1: This World is Like a Sprout of a Seed Within which transforms what is Changeless state Before, appear Again ...
2.2: ... as Space and Time, and endless Varieties of Pictures over it; all due to the Creation of Maya,
2.3: This Unfolding of the World (from the Seed) which is Like a Play of a Magician, happens to one Who is Like a
Mahayogi out of His Own Free Will (i.e. a Mahayogi can enter the state of Samadhi out of his own free will and witness the unfolding of the world when He comes out of Samadhi),
2.4: Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy.
Sri Dakshinamurthy
यस्यैव स्फुरणं सदात्मकमसत्कल्पार्थकं भासते
साक्षात्तत्त्वमसीति वेदवचसा यो बोधयत्याश्रितान् ।
यत्साक्षात्करणाद्भवेन्न पुनरावृत्तिर्भवाम्भोनिधौ
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥३॥
Yasya-Eva Sphurannam Sada[a-A]atmakam-Asat-Kalpa-Arthakam Bhaasate
Saakssaat-Tat-Tvam-Asi-Iti Veda-Vacasaa Yo Bodhayaty-Aashritaan |
Yat-Saakssaat-Karannaad-Bhaven-Na Punaraavrttir-Bhavaam-Bho-Nidhau
Tasmai Shrii-Guru-Muurtaye Nama Idam Shrii-Dakssinnaamuurtaye ||3||
(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His Profound Silence)
3.1: By This Throb Alone which is of the Nature of Eternal Underlying Awareness, the Unreal Forms get their Meanings and Appear over the Mind,
3.2: This Knowledge of the Atman Spoken of in the Vedas as "Tat-Tvam-Asi" is Imparted by Our Inner Guru as a Direct Experience when we Surrender Whole-Heartedly to Him,
3.3: By Direct Experience of this Knowledge, the Delusion of being tossed within an unending Ocean of Worldly Existence will Not Appear Again,
3.4: Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy.
Sri Dakshinamurthy
नानाच्छिद्रघटोदरस्थितमहादीपप्रभा भास्वरं
ज्ञानं यस्य तु चक्षुरादिकरणद्वारा वहिः स्पन्दते ।
जानामीति तमेव भान्तमनुभात्येतत्समस्तं जगत्
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥४॥
Naanaac-Chidra-Ghatto[a-U]dara-Sthita-Mahaa-Diipa-Prabhaa Bhaasvaram
Jnyaanam Yasya Tu Cakssur-Aadi-Karanna-Dvaaraa Vahih Spandate |
Jaanaam-Iiti Tam-Eva Bhaantam-Anubhaaty-Etat-Samastam Jagat
Tasmai Shrii-Guru-Muurtaye Nama Idam Shrii-Dakssinnaamuurtaye ||4||
(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His Profound Silence)
4.1: As the Light of a Great Lamp Situated Inside a Pitcher having Many Holes, Shine Outwards, ...
4.2: ... similarly, the Knowledge of That Only (i.e. Atman) Throb Outwards through our Eyes and Other Sense Organs,
4.3: "I Know", He Alone Shining (i.e Atman), This Entire World Shines ...
4.4: Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy.
Sri Dakshinamurthy
देहं प्राणमपीन्द्रियाण्यपि चलां बुद्धिं च शून्यं विदुः
स्त्रीबालान्धजडोपमास्त्वहमिति भ्रान्ता भृशं वादिनः ।
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥५॥
Deham Praannam-Api-Indriyaanny-Api Calaam Buddhim Ca Shuunyam Viduh
Strii-Baala-Andha-Jaddo(a-U)pamaas-tv[u-]Aham-Iti Bhraantaa Bhrsham Vaadinah |
Tasmai Shrii-Guru-Muurtaye Nama Idam Shrii-Dakssinnaamuurtaye ||5||
(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His Profound Silence)
5.1: Those who Consider the Body or Prana (Vital Force) or Sense Organs or the Changing Mind or the Void (Total Non-Existence) ...
5.2: ... as the "I", are Like a Naive Innocent Girl Child, or a Blind, or a Dull-Headed; they are Deluded but they Vehemently Assert their Points,
5.3: The Inner Guru Destroys this Great Delusion Created by the Play of the Power of Maya,
5.4: Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy.
Sri Dakshinamurthy
राहुग्रस्तदिवाकरेन्दुसदृशो मायासमाच्छादनात्
सन्मात्रः करणोपसंहरणतो योऽभूत्सुषुप्तः पुमान् ।
प्रागस्वाप्समिति प्रबोधसमये यः प्रत्यभिज्ञायते
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥६॥
Raahu-Grasta-Divaakare[a-I]ndu-Sadrsho Maayaa-Sama-[A]acchaadanaat
San-Maatrah Karanno[a-U]pasangharannato Yo(a-A]bhuut-Sussuptah Pumaan |
Praag-Asvaapsam-Iti Prabodha-Samaye Yah Pratyabhijnyaayate
Tasmai Shrii-Guru-Muurtaye Nama Idam Shrii-Dakssinnaamuurtaye ||6||
(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His Profound Silence)
6.1: Just Like the Sun and the Moon are Eclipsed by Rahu, the Pure Consciousness is Eclipsed by Maya (for a spiritually ignorant person),
6.2: A Spiritually Elevated Soul can enter that state of Unborn Deep Sleep (i.e. Pure Consciousness) by Withdrawing His Sense Organs to such an extent that Only the Real Essence remains,
6.3: That state (i.e. Pure Consciousness) is experienced during Spiritual Awakening whereby one clearly Perceives that "Before I was Sleeping" (by being eclipsed by Maya),
6.4: Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy.
Sri Dakshinamurthy
बाल्यादिष्वपि जाग्रदादिषु तथा सर्वास्ववस्थास्वपि
व्यावृत्तास्वनुवर्तमानमहमित्यन्तः स्फुरन्तं सदा ।
स्वात्मानं प्रकटीकरोति भजतां यो मुद्रयाभद्रया
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥७॥
Baalya-Adissv(u)-Api Jaagrad-Aadissu Tathaa Sarvaasv[u]-Avasthaasv[u]-Api
Vyaavrttaasv[u]-Anu-Vartamaanam-Aham-Ity[i]-Antah Sphurantam Sadaa |
Sva-[A]atmaanam Prakattii-Karoti Bhajataam Yo Mudrayaa-Bhadrayaa
Tasmai Shrii-Guru-Muurtaye Nama Idam Shrii-Dakssinnaamuurtaye ||7||
(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His Profound Silence)
7.1: During Boyhood and Other stages of Life (Youth, Old age etc), during Waking and Other states (Dreaming, Deep Sleep, Turiya etc) and Similarly in All Conditions ...
7.2: ... the Atman Always Shines as the "I" Within, Free from All Conditions but at the same time Present in All Conditions,
7.3: The Inner Guru Awakens this Knowledge of One's Own Atman to those who Surrender to Him; this Knowledge which is represented by the Auspicious Cin-Mudra,
7.4: Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy.
Sri Dakshinamurthy
विश्वं पश्यति कार्यकारणतया स्वस्वामिसम्बन्धतः
शिष्याचार्यतया तथैव पितृपुत्राद्यात्मना भेदतः ।
स्वप्ने जाग्रति वा य एष पुरुषो मायापरिभ्रामितः
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥८॥
Vishvam Pashyati Kaarya-Kaaranna-Tayaa Svasvaami-Sambandhatah
Shissya-[A]acaarya-Tayaa Tatha-Eva Pitr-Putraady[i]-Aatmanaa Bhedatah |
Svapne Jaagrati Vaa Ya Essa Purusso Maayaa-Paribhraamitah
Tasmai Shrii-Guru-Muurtaye Nama Idam Shrii-Dakssinnaamuurtaye ||8||
(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His Profound Silence)
8.1: The Differentiations that we See in the World as Cause and Effect, as Possessor-Possession Relations, ...
8.2: ... as the Disciple-Teacher, and Also as Father-Son Relations etc, are all Differentiations within the One Atman,
8.3: In Dream or Waking state, He, the One Purusha is always present, and (as if) Maya Wanders over Him and gives rise to all these Differentiations,
8.4: Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy.
Sri Dakshinamurthy
भूरम्भांस्यनलोऽनिलोऽम्बरमहर्नाथो हिमांशु पुमान्
इत्याभाति चराचरात्मकमिदं यस्यैव मूर्त्यष्टकम्
नान्यत् किञ्चन विद्यते विमृशतां यस्मात्परस्माद्विभोः
तस्मै श्रीगुरुमूर्तये नम इदं श्रीदक्षिणामूर्तये ॥९॥
Bhuur-Ambhaamsy-Analo-[A]nilo-[A]mbaram-Aharnaatho Himaamshu Pumaan
Ity[i]-Aabhaati Cara-Acara-[A]atmakam-Idam Yasya-Eva Muurty[i]-Assttakam
Naanyat Kin.cana Vidyate Vimrshataam Yasmaat-Parasmaad-Vibhoh
Tasmai Shrii-Guru-Muurtaye Nama Idam Shrii-Dakssinnaamuurtaye ||9||
(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His Profound Silence)
9.1: Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space, Sun, Moon and Jiva, ...
9.2: ... are Verily His (i.e. Atman's) Eight Manifestations Shining within the Moving and the Non-Moving forms,
9.3: Apart from Him (i.e. Atman) there Cannot Exist anything; The Yogis who Reflect (i.e. Meditate) within Discover Him as the Essence From Which Everything Originates, ... Discover Him as Existing Beyond Everything as the Eternal Essence,
9.4: Salutations to Him, the Personification of Our Inner Guru Who Awakens This Knowledge through His Profound Silence; Salutation to Sri Dakshinamurthy.
Sri Dakshinamurthy
सर्वात्मत्वमिति स्फुटीकृतमिदं यस्मादमुष्मिन् स्तवे
तेनास्य श्रवणात्तदर्थमननाद्ध्यानाच्च संकीर्तनात् ।
सर्वात्मत्वमहाविभूतिसहितं स्यादीश्वरत्वं स्वतः
सिद्ध्येत्तत्पुनरष्टधा परिणतं चैश्वर्यमव्याहतम् ॥१०॥
Sarva-[A]atmatvam-Iti Sphuttii-Krtam-Idam Yasmaad-Amussmin Stave
Tena-Asya Shravannaat-Tadartha-Mananaad-Dhyaanaac-Ca Sangkiirtanaat |
Sarva-(A)atmatva-Mahaa-Vibhuuti-Sahitam Syaad-Iishvaratvam Svatah
Siddhyet-Tat-Punar-Assttadhaa Parinnatam Ca-[A]ishvaryam-Avyaahatam ||10||
(Salutations to Sri Dakshinamurthy Who Awakens the Glory of the Atman within us through His Profound Silence)
10.1: Since the Divine Essence in All is Made Clear in this Hymn,
10.2: Hence by Listening to It, Contemplating on its Meaning, Meditating on It, and Glorifying it,
10.3: One becomes Endowed with the Greatness of the Knowledge of the Divine Essence ( present in All ); Perhaps the Divine Essence by Itself ...
10.4: ... will Awaken within him after that Again, the Eightfold Manifestations of Divine Powers (Siddhis) Unimpeded.
Source:Mantra & shlokas