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Yuddha Kaanda Sargas 50 continues

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  • Yuddha Kaanda Sargas 50 continues

    Yuddha Kaanda Sarga 50 Continues

    6.50.53 அ
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    ப்ரக்ருத்யா ராக்ஷஸா: ஸர்வே
    ஸங்க்ராமே கூடயோதிந: ।
    ஸூராணாம் ஸுத்தபாவாநாம்
    பவதாமார்ஜவம் பலம் ॥
    prakṛtyā rākṣasāḥ sarvē
    saṅgrāmē kūṭayōdhinaḥ ।
    ṡūrāṇāṃ ṡuddhabhāvānām
    bhavatāmārjavaṃ balam ॥
    You are brave, strong,
    pure hearted and straightforward
    but the Rākshasas are devious fighters, by nature.
    6.50.54 அ
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    தந்ந விஸ்வஸிதவ்யம் வோ
    ராக்ஷஸாநாம் ரணாஜிரே ।
    நித்யம் ஜிஹ்மா ஹி ராக்ஷஸா: ॥
    tanna viṡvasitavyaṃ vō
    rākṣasānāṃ raṇājirē ।
    nityaṃ jihmā hi rākṣasāḥ ॥
    Therefore, never trust that Rākshasas
    would be fair on the battle field.
    This incident is just an indication
    of how devious the Rākshasas always are.
    6.50.55 அ
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    ஏவமுக்த்வா ததோ ராமம்
    ஸுபர்ண: ஸுமஹாபல: ।
    பரிஷ்வஜ்ய ஸுஹ்ருத் ஸ்நிக்தம்
    ஆப்ரஷ்டுமுபசக்ரமே ॥
    ēvamuktvā tatō rāmam
    suparṇaḥ sumahābalaḥ ।
    pariṣvajya suhṛt snigdham
    āpraṣṭumupacakramē ॥
    Having said this, Suparṇa of immense strength
    embraced Rāma with all the affection of a well-wisher,
    and sought his permission (to leave).
    6.50.56 அ
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    ஸகே ராகவ தர்மஜ்ஞ
    ரிபூணாமபி வத்ஸல ।
    கமிஷ்யாமி யதாகதம் ॥
    sakhē rāghava dharmajña
    ripūṇāmapi vatsala ।
    gamiṣyāmi yathāgatam ॥
    O Rāghava! O Dharmajña! My dear friend!
    O you, who are considerate to even your enemies!
    Please allow me to leave. I shall go just as I came!
    6.50.57 அ
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    ந ச கௌதூஹலம் கார்யம்
    ஸகித்வம் ப்ரதி ராகவ ।
    க்ருதகர்மா ரணே வீர:
    ஸகித்வமநுவேத்ஸ்யஸி ॥
    na ca kautūhalaṃ kāryam
    sakhitvaṃ prati rāghava ।
    kṛtakarmā raṇē vīraḥ
    sakhitvamanuvētsyasi ॥
    Spare yourself from being curious
    about our friendship, O Rāghava!
    You will know about our friendship,
    after you, O heroic one, have
    achieved your end in the war.
    6.50.58 அ
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    பாலவ்ருத்தாவஸேஷாம் து
    லங்காம் க்ருத்வா ஸரோர்மிபி: ।
    ராவணம் ச ரிபும் ஹத்வா
    ஸீதாம் ஸமுபலப்ஸ்யஸே ॥
    bālavṛddhāvaṡēṣāṃ tu
    laṅkāṃ kṛtvā ṡarōrmibhiḥ ।
    rāvaṇaṃ ca ripuṃ hatvā
    sītāṃ samupalapsyasē ॥
    With the surge of your arrows leaving alive no one
    but the too young and too old in Laṅkā,
    and killing your enemy Rāvaṇa,
    you shall recover Seetā.
    6.50.59 அ
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    இத்யேவமுக்த்வா வசநம்
    ஸுபர்ண: ஸீக்ரவிக்ரம: ।
    ராமம் ச விருஜம் க்ருத்வா
    மத்யே தேஷாம் வநௌகஸாம் ।
    ப்ரதக்ஷிணம் தத: க்ருத்வா
    பரிஷ்வஜ்ய ச வீர்யவாந் ।
    ஸுபர்ண: பவநோ யதா ॥
    ityēvamuktvā vacanam
    suparṇaḥ ṡīghravikramaḥ ।
    rāmaṃ ca virujaṃ kṛtvā
    madhyē tēṣāṃ vanaukasām ।
    pradakṣiṇaṃ tataḥ kṛtvā
    pariṣvajya ca vīryavān ।
    suparṇaḥ pavanō yathā ॥
    Having said this to Rāma and healed his wounds,
    Suparṇa, of immense swiftness and valor,
    circumambulated him in reverence amidst the Vānaras.
    After embracing him, he sprang into the sky and
    went away faster than the wind.
    6.50.61 அ
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    விருஜௌ ராகவௌ த்ருஷ்ட்வா
    ததோ வாநரயூதபா: ।
    ஸிம்ஹநாதாம்ஸ்ததா நேது:
    லாங்கூலாந் துதுவுஸ்ததா ॥
    virujau rāghavau dṛṣṭvā
    tatō vānarayūthapāḥ ।
    siṃhanādāṃstadā nēduḥ
    lāṅgūlān dudhuvustadā ॥
    On seeing the wounds of the
    scions of the Raghus thus disappear,
    the great Vānara chiefs roared like lions,
    flinging their tails.
    6.50.62 அ
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    ததோ பேரீ: ஸமாஜக்நு:
    ம்ருதங்காம்ஸ்சாப்யநாதயந் ।
    தத்மு: ஸங்காந் ஸம்ப்ரஹ்ருஷ்டா:
    க்ஷ்வேலந்த்யபி யதாபுரம் ॥
    tatō bhērīḥ samājaghnuḥ
    mṛdaṅgāṃṡcāpyanādayan ।
    dadhmuḥ ṡaṅkhān samprahṛṣṭāḥ
    kṣvēlantyapi yathāpuram ॥
    They beat the drums, played the Mṛdaṅgas,
    blew on their conches in joy,
    and made noises as usual.
    6.50.63 அ
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    அபரேஸ்போட்ய விக்ராந்தா
    வாநரா நகயோதிந: ।
    த்ருமாநுத்பாட்ய விவிதாந்
    தஸ்து: ஸதஸஹஸ்ரஸ: ॥
    aparēsphōṭya vikrāntā
    vānarā nagayōdhinaḥ ।
    drumānutpāṭya vividhān
    tasthuḥ ṡatasahasraṡaḥ ॥
    Other Vānaras of great prowess,
    who fought armed with trees,
    slapped their shoulders again and again,
    and pulled out all kinds of trees
    and stood ready in their hundreds and thousands.
    6.50.64 அ
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    விஸ்ருஜந்தோ மஹாநாதாந்
    த்ராஸயந்தோ நிஸாசராந் ।
    யோத்துகாமா: ப்லவங்கமா: ॥
    visṛjantō mahānādān
    trāsayantō niṡācarān ।
    yōddhukāmāḥ plavaṅgamāḥ ॥
    Letting off loud war whoops
    striking terror in the night-rovers,
    the Vānaras rushed to the gateways of Laṅkā
    eager to put up a good fight.
    6.50.65 அ
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    ததஸ்து பீமஸ்துமுலோ நிநாதோ
    பபூவ ஸாகாம்ருகயூதபாநாம் ।
    க்ஷயே நிதாகஸ்ய யதா கநாநாம்
    நாத: ஸுபீமோ நததாம் நிஸீதே ॥
    tatastu bhīmastumulō ninādō
    babhūva ṡākhāmṛgayūthapānām ।
    kṣayē nidāghasya yathā ghanānāṃ
    nādaḥ subhīmō nadatāṃ niṡīthē ॥
    The din the Vānara chiefs raised with their shouts
    was like the thunder of clouds in the night
    when the dry summer comes to an end.
    இத்யார்ஷே வால்மீகீயே
    ஸ்ரீமத்ராமாயணே ஆதிகாவ்யே
    யுத்தகாண்டே பஞ்சாஸ: ஸர்க:॥
    ityārṣē vālmīkīyē
    ṡrīmadrāmāyaṇē ādikāvyē
    yuddhakāṇḍē pañcāṡaḥ sargaḥ॥
    Thus concludes the fiftieth Sarga
    in Yuddha Kāṇḍa of the glorious Rāmāyaṇa,
    the first ever poem of humankind,
    composed by Maharshi Vālmeeki.
    The first part of this Sarga seems to be an unauthentic hodge-podge for many reasons.
    First of all, Rāma had already regained consciousness (in the previous Sarga), but this Sarga starts as if he and Lakshmaṇa are still unconscious.
    Second, Sarga 46 shows Sugreeva in shock and Vibheeshaṇa consoling him, which is more likely, for Sugreeva regained his strength because of Rāma, where as Vibheeshaṇa is strong enough on his own to call out the excesses of his mighty brother Rāvaṇa. This Sarga shows Vibheeshaṇa in a low light, as one who laments the loss of the hope of gaining a kingdom, which contradicts the lofty portrayal of his character everywhere.
    Third, Sarga 46 shows Vibheeshaṇa noticing that the Vānaras have lost their heart seeing Rāma and Lakshmaṇa struck down, and trying to help the Vānaras regain their composure, which is more likely, than what is described in this Sarga, of the Vānaras being afraid of Vibheeshaṇa mistaking him for Indrajit, which is unlikely as they are already acquainted with Vibheeshaṇa for a long while.
    You have completed reading 16133 Ṡlōkas out of ~24,000 Ṡlōkas of Vālmeeki Rāmāyaṇa.