Narayaneeyam Dasakam:97 Markandeya
Dasakam: 097 -- Slokam: 01
त्रैगुण्याद्भिन्नरूपं भवति हि भुवने हीनमध्योत्तमं यत्
ज्ञानं श्रद्धा च कर्ता वसतिरपि सुखं कर्म चाहारभेदा: ।
त्वत्क्षेत्रत्वन्निषेवादि तु यदिह पुनस्त्वत्परं तत्तु सर्वं
प्राहुर्नैगुण्यनिष्ठं तदनुभजनतो मङ्क्षु सिद्धो भवेयम् ॥१॥
traiguNyaadbhinnaruupaM bhavati hi bhuvane hiina madhyOttamaM yad
j~naanaM shraddhaa cha kartaa vasatirapi cha sukhaM karma chaahaarabhedaaH |
tvatkshetra tvanniShevaadi tu yadiha punastvatparaM tattusarvaM
praahurnairguNyaniShThaM tadanubhajanatO mankshusiddhO bhaveyam || 1
j~naanaM shraddhaa cha kartaa vasatirapi cha sukhaM karma chaahaarabhedaaH |
tvatkshetra tvanniShevaadi tu yadiha punastvatparaM tattusarvaM
praahurnairguNyaniShThaM tadanubhajanatO mankshusiddhO bhaveyam || 1
In this world, under the influence of the three gunas (Sattva, Rajas and Tamas),various matters, like knowledge and faith, doer and dwelling, joy and action, fall into three different categories of low, medium and sublime, according to the degree of their different kinds and different gradations,However, this differentiation is absent inThy temple, Thy worship and everything else connected with Thee, as these transcend the three gunas. By resorting steadily to these, I shall soon attain perfection