Dasakam: 096 -- Slokam: 08
[hd2] निर्विण्ण: कर्ममार्गे खलु विषमतमे त्वत्कथादौ च गाढं
जातश्रद्धोऽपि कामानयि भुवनपते नैव शक्नोमि हातुम् ।
तद्भूयो निश्चयेन त्वयि निहितमना दोषबुद्ध्या भजंस्तान्[/hg2]
nirviNNaH karmamaarge khalu viShamatame tvatkathaadau cha gaaDhaM
jaatashraddhO(a)pi kaamaanayi bhuvanapate naiva shaknOmi haatum |
tadbhuuyO nishchayena tvayi nihitamanaa dOShabuddhyaa bhajamstaan
puShNiiyaaM bhaktimeva tvayi hR^idayagate mankshu nankshyanti sangaaH || 8
jaatashraddhO(a)pi kaamaanayi bhuvanapate naiva shaknOmi haatum |
tadbhuuyO nishchayena tvayi nihitamanaa dOShabuddhyaa bhajamstaan
puShNiiyaaM bhaktimeva tvayi hR^idayagate mankshu nankshyanti sangaaH || 8
O Lord of the Universe! Becoming disinterested in the difficult path of Vedic rituals, I will firmly place my faith in the narrations of Thy stories. Hearing the stories of your praise and being not capable of, sacrificing home, children and also friends due to attachment, I would concentrate my mind on you with the firm belief, Again and again. And follow the path of devotion, for if you live in my heart,All the attraction towards craving of pleasures will soon drop away.