Dasakam: 095 -- Slokam: 05
त्वद्भक्तो बाध्यमानोऽपि च विषयरसैरिन्द्रियाशान्तिहेतो-
र्भक्त्यैवाक्रम्यमाणै: पुनरपि खलु तैर्दुर्बलैर्नाभिजय्य: ।
सप्तार्चिर्दीपितार्चिर्दहति किल यथा भूरिदारुप्रपञ्चं
त्वद्भक्त्योघे तथैव प्रदहति दुरितं दुर्मद: क्वेन्द्रियाणाम् ॥५॥
[link[tvadbhaktO baadhyamaanO(a)pi cha viShayarasairindriyaashaantihetOH
bhaktyaivaakramyamaaNaiH punarapi khalu tairdurbalairnaabhijayyaH |
saptaarchirdiipitaarchirdahati kila yathaa bhuuridaaru prapa~nchaM
tvadbhaktyOghe tathaiva pradahati duritaM durmadaH kvendriyaaNaam || 5[/link]
Due to not being able to control the sense organs , even when momentary pleasuresAttack your devotee due to the repeated attacks of devotion ,Those pleasures get weakened and would not be able to win over the devotee, When, like huge quantities of wood (fuel) being consumed by a blazing fire,all his sins and sinful tendencies are burnt away by intense devotion,How long can the false pride of sense organs last?