Dasakam: 094 -- Slokam: 02
[hd ]आचार्याख्याधरस्थारणिसमनुमिलच्छिष्यरूपोत्तरार-
ण्यावेधोद्भासितेन स्फुटतरपरिबोधाग्निना दह्यमाने ।
दाह्याभावेन विद्याशिखिनि च विरते त्वन्मयी खल्ववस्था ॥२॥[/hd2]
aachaaryaakhyaadhara sthaaraNi samanumilachChiShya ruupOttaraara-
NyaavedhOdbhaasitena sphuTatara paribOdhaagninaa dahyamaane |
karmaaliivaasanaa tatkR^ita tanubhuvana bhraanti kaantaara puure
daahyaabhaavena vidyaashikhini cha virate tvanmayii khalvavasthaa 2
NyaavedhOdbhaasitena sphuTatara paribOdhaagninaa dahyamaane |
karmaaliivaasanaa tatkR^ita tanubhuvana bhraanti kaantaara puure
daahyaabhaavena vidyaashikhini cha virate tvanmayii khalvavasthaa 2
The fire of knowledge is ignited by the striking of two fire sticks, the lower one represents the teachings of the teacher, and the upper one the disciple (who comes seeking the knowledge). This fire illuminates perfectly clear knowledge and burns the forest full of many tendencies and desires which are an effect of past actions, and also the ignorance of identification with the body and the world. When such a forest is burnt up, the fire (of knowledge) for want of fuel also subsides (in Thee). Then the state of total merger in Thee alone remains.2