Dasakam: 093 -- Slokam: 09
ही ही मे देहमोहं त्यज पवनपुराधीश यत्प्रेमहेतो-
र्गेहे वित्ते कलत्रादिषु च विवशितास्त्वत्पदं विस्मरन्ति ।
सोऽयं वह्नेश्शुनो वा परमिह परत: साम्प्रतञ्चाक्षिकर्ण-
त्वग्जिह्वाद्या विकर्षन्त्यवशमत इत: कोऽपि न त्वत्पदाब्जे ॥९॥
[link]hii hii me dehamOhaM tyaja pavanapuraadhiisha yatperamahetOH
gehe vitte kalatraadiShu cha vivashitaastvatpadaM vismaranti |
sO(a)yaM vahneH shunO vaa paramiha parataH saamprataM chaakshikarNa
tvagjihvaadyaa vikarShantyavashamata itaH kO(a)pi na tvatpadaabje || 9[/linnk]
Alas, alas, Oh Lord of Guruvayur , please drive away my attachment to my body,For being in love with this body and thinking of home, wealth , wife and children, and so we forget Thy lotus feet. In the end this body becomes food to fire, dogs, etc. after death,while, when alive, the sense organs (eyes, ears, skin and tongue) drag the human being hither and thither, back and forth, towards their objects, But There is none to take us to Thy lotus feet.