Dasakam: 093 -- Slokam: 03
त्वत्कारुण्ये प्रवृत्ते क इव नहि गुरुर्लोकवृत्तेऽपि भूमन्
सर्वाक्रान्तापि भूमिर्नहि चलति ततस्सत्क्षमां शिक्षयेयम् ।
गृह्णीयामीश तत्तद्विषयपरिचयेऽप्यप्रसक्तिं समीरात्
व्याप्तत्वञ्चात्मनो मे गगनगुरुवशाद्भातु निर्लेपता च ॥३
tvatkaaruNye pravR^itte ka iva na hi gururlOkavR^itte(a)pi bhuuman
sarvaakraantaa(a)pi bhuumirnahi chalati tatassatkshamaaM shikshayeyam |
gR^ihNiiyaamiisha tattadviShayaparichaye(a)pyaprasaktiM samiiraat
vyaaptatvaM chaatmanO me gaganaguruvashaadbhaatu nirlepataa cha || 3
sarvaakraantaa(a)pi bhuumirnahi chalati tatassatkshamaaM shikshayeyam |
gR^ihNiiyaamiisha tattadviShayaparichaye(a)pyaprasaktiM samiiraat
vyaaptatvaM chaatmanO me gaganaguruvashaadbhaatu nirlepataa cha || 3
O Lord of the Universe! When Thy grace illumines the functioning of this world,from whom one can learn several valuable lessons and imbibe many noble qualities. I will learn the lesson of true forbearance from the earth that does not move inspite of being oppressed by all. And from that I would learn the quality of patience, The air is always in contact with various objects but which stays unaffected by the myriad objects it comes into contact with; I would understand from wind that , though I do have contact,With many things I should not have any attachment with anything, I would learn from Space that even though,which is all pervasive and taintless. Soul is in every being it should not get tainted by all that.