Dasakam: 090 -- Slokam: 07
समस्तसारे च पुराणसङ्ग्रहे विसंशयं त्वन्महिमैव वर्ण्यते । त्रिमूर्तियुक्सत्यपदत्रिभागत: परं पदं ते कथितं न शूलिन: ॥७॥
samastasaare cha puraaNasangrahe
visamshayaM tvanmahimaiva varNyate |
trimuurtiyuk satyapadatribhaagataH
paraM padaM te kathitaM na shuulinaH || 7
visamshayaM tvanmahimaiva varNyate |
trimuurtiyuk satyapadatribhaagataH
paraM padaM te kathitaM na shuulinaH || 7
In the text of Puraana Sangraha where there is the gist of all the Puraanas,Thy supreme greatness alone has been described and it has been told,That your Vaikunta is above the places of the holy trinity,In the Sathya loka and a similar status is not given to Lord Shiva .