Dasakam: 090 -- Slokam: 06
मूर्तित्रयातिगमुवाच च मन्त्रशास्त्र- स्यादौ कलायसुषमं सकलेश्वरं त्वाम् । ध्यानं च निष्कलमसौ प्रणवे खलूक्त्वा त्वामेव तत्र सकलं निजगाद नान्यम् ॥६॥
muurti trayaatigamuvaacha cha mantrashaastrasyaadau
kalaayasuShumaM sakaleshvarantvaam |
dhyaanaM cha niShkalamasau praNave khaluuktvaa
tvaameva tatra sakalaM nijagaada naanyam || 6
kalaayasuShumaM sakaleshvarantvaam |
dhyaanaM cha niShkalamasau praNave khaluuktvaa
tvaameva tatra sakalaM nijagaada naanyam || 6
In his famous work of Mantra Shastra, known as Prapanchasaara, This great saint Shri Shankara has described Thee as transcending the Trinity - Brahmaa, Vishnu and Mahesh. He has described Thee as a beautiful blue lily and one who is above the holy trinity as the Lord of the universe,the Lord of all. When he describes the meditation on Nishkala, while dealing with Pranava, he also propounds Thee alone as the object of Sakala meditation, too, and not any other deity.