Dasakam: 089 -- Slokam:7
भृगुं किल सरस्वतीनिकटवासिनस्तापसा- स्त्रिमूर्तिषु समादिशन्नधिकसत्त्वतां वेदितुम् । अयं पुनरनादरादुदितरुद्धरोषे विधौहरेऽपि च जिहिंसिषौ गिरिजया धृते त्वामगात् ॥७॥
bhR^iguM kila sarasvatiinikaTa vaasinastaapasaaH
trimuurtiShu samaadishannadhikasattvataaM veditum |
ayaM punaranaadaraaduditaruddharOShe vidhau
hare(a)pi cha jihimsiShau girijayaa dhR^ite tvaamagaat || 7
trimuurtiShu samaadishannadhikasattvataaM veditum |
ayaM punaranaadaraaduditaruddharOShe vidhau
hare(a)pi cha jihimsiShau girijayaa dhR^ite tvaamagaat || 7
Once the ascetics residing on the banks of the river Saraswati assigned sage Bhrigu to test who among the Trinity was more inclined towards Saatvic guna. Bhrigu went to Brahmaa who was enraged, but he controlled his anger, when Bhrigu showed his disrespect. Next he went to Shiva and behaved with him in the same manner. Shiva was eager to kill him but was restricted by Paarvati. Then Bhrigu went to Thee