Dasakam: 088 -- Slokam: 07
सार्धं तेन प्रतीचीं दिशमतिजविना स्यन्दनेनाभियातो लोकालोकं व्यतीतस्तिमिरभरमथो चक्रधाम्ना निरुन्धन् । चक्रांशुक्लिष्टदृष्टिं स्थितमथ विजयं पश्य पश्येति वारां पारे त्वं प्राददर्शकिमपि हि तमसां दूरदूरं पदं ते :॥७॥
saardhaM tena pratiichiiM dishamati javinaa syandanenaabhiyaatO
lOkaalOkaM vyatiitastimira bharamathO chakradhaamnaa nirundhan |
chakraamshukliShTa dR^iShTiM sthitamatha vijayaM pashya pashyeti vaaraaM
paare tvaM praadadarshaH kimapi hi tamasaaM duura duuraM padaM te || 7
Thou rode with Arjun on a very fast chariot and went past the mountain Lokaaloka towards the west. The intense darkness there, then, dispelling the intense darkness with the brilliance of Thy disc,Sudarshana, and telling Arjuna "Look, look", whose eyeswere dazzled by the rays issuing from Thy disc)And showed him your abode which is not touched by base qualities. Thy undescribable abode in the far distance beyond the Seven Seas, and entirely transcending the touchof Tamoguna and Rajoguna