Dasakam: 086 -- Slokam:8
युद्धे द्रोणस्य हस्तिस्थिररणभगदत्तेरितं वैष्णवास्त्रं
वक्षस्याधत्त चक्रस्थगितरविमहा: प्रार्दयत्सिन्धुराजम् ।
नागास्त्रे कर्णमुक्ते क्षितिमवनमयन् केवलं कृत्तमौलिं
तत्रे त्रापि पार्थं किमिव नहि भवान् पाण्डवानामकार्षीत् ॥८॥
yuddhe drONasya hasti sthiraraNa bhagadatteritaM vaiShNavaastraM
vakshasyaadhatta chakrasthagita ravi mahaaH praardayat sindhuraajam |
naagaastre karNamukte kshitimavanamayan kevalaM kR^ittamauliM
tatre tatraapi paarthaM kimiva nahi bhavaan paaNDavaanaamakaarShiit || 8
vakshasyaadhatta chakrasthagita ravi mahaaH praardayat sindhuraajam |
naagaastre karNamukte kshitimavanamayan kevalaM kR^ittamauliM
tatre tatraapi paarthaM kimiva nahi bhavaan paaNDavaanaamakaarShiit || 8
When the fight with Drona was going on Bhagadatta who was firmly seated on an elephant discharged the Vaishnava missile which Thou attracted towards Thy own chest and saved Arjuna. Arjuna was able to kill Jayadratha when Thy Sudarshana discus hid the rays of the sun. Again when Karna discharged the Naaga missile towards Arjuna, Thou lowered the earth by the pressure of Thy toe, so that only Arjun's crown got cut off and Arjuna was saved here also. What all did Thou not do for the benefit of the Paandavas.