Dasakam: 085 -- Slokam: 06
प्रचक्रुषि युधिष्ठिरे तदनु राजसूयाध्वरं
प्रसन्नभृतकीभवत्सकलराजकव्याकुलम् ।
त्वमप्ययि जगत्पते द्विजपदावनेजादिकं
चकर्थ किमु कथ्यते नृपवरस्य भाग्योन्नति: ॥६॥
prachakruShi yudhiShThire tadanu raajasuuyaadhvaraM
prasanna bhR^itakii bhavat sakala raajakavyaakulam |
tvamapyayi jagatpate dvijapadaavane jaadikaM
chakartha kimu kathyate nR^ipavarasya bhaagyOnnatiH || 6
prasanna bhR^itakii bhavat sakala raajakavyaakulam |
tvamapyayi jagatpate dvijapadaavane jaadikaM
chakartha kimu kathyate nR^ipavarasya bhaagyOnnatiH || 6
Yudhishthira was then performing the Raajsooya Yagna during which all the kings were joyfully performing the work allotted to them as servants. Thou O Lord of the Universe! Thyself were engaged in washing the feet of the holy men and the Braahmins etc. Whatcan be said about the upliftment of the good fortune of the great king Yudhishthira?