Dasakam: 085 -- Slokam: 01
ततो मगधभूभृता चिरनिरोधसंक्लेशितं
शताष्टकयुतायुतद्वितयमीश भूमीभृताम् ।
अनाथशरणाय ते कमपि पूरुषं प्राहिणो-
दयाचत स मागधक्षपणमेव किं भूयसा ॥१॥
[link]tatO magadha bhuubhR^itaa chiranirOdha sankleshitaM
shataaShTakayutaa yutadvitayamiisha bhuumiibhR^itaam |
anaatha sharaNaaya te kamapi puuruShaM praahiNOt
ayaachata sa maagadha kshapaNameva kiM bhuuyasaa || 1[/link
Then Oh Lord, twenty thousand eight hundred kings,Who were caught and kept and tortured by Jarasandha,Send an emissary to Thee,, who is the only support ,For people without any support and they , prayed to Thee to kill the king of Magadha Jarasandha and their release from confinement..