Dasakam: 084 -- Slokam: 09
मुनिवरनिवहैस्तवाथ पित्रा दुरितशमाय शुभानि पृच्छ्यमानै: ।
त्वयि सति किमिदं शुभान्तरै: रित्युरुहसितैरपि याजितस्तदाऽसौ ॥९॥
munivara nivahaistavaatha pitraa
durita shamaaya shubhaani pR^ichChyamaanaiH |
tvayi sati kimidaM shubhaantaraiH
ityuruhasitairapi yaajitastadaa(a)sau || 9
durita shamaaya shubhaani pR^ichChyamaanaiH |
tvayi sati kimidaM shubhaantaraiH
ityuruhasitairapi yaajitastadaa(a)sau || 9
Thy father, Vasudeva, sought the advice of the great saints assembled there on theauspicious rites to be performed atonement for the sins. Even though the sages were very amused and laughed at such an enquiry And they told him that there was no need, Because you God, was born as his son, But they made him perform the required rites all the same.