
Dasakam: 083 -- Slokam: 05

जाद्येन बालकगिरा अपि किलाहमेव
श्रि वासुदेव इति रुउधमतिश्चिरं सः |
सायुज्यमेव भवदैक्य धिया गतो अभुउत
कोनाम कस्य सुक्र ^इतं कथमित्यवेयात ||5

Imagining himself to be Vaasudeva all the time, That foolish Poundraka due to his foolishness As well as the advice of immature courtiers, he had developed a feeling that he was the real Vasudeva And also believed that he and you are really one thereby, He attained salvation. And so we do not know divine anyone's merit and what accomplishments would ensue from it?