Dasakam: 082 -- Slokam: 07

चापानां प न्चशत्या प्रसभमुपगते चिन्न चप्पे थ बाणे
व्यर्थेयाते समेतो ज्वरपतिरशनैरज्वरी त्वज्ज्वरेण |
ज्नानीस्तुत्वा अथ दत्त्वा तव चरितजुषां विज्वरं सज्वरोअगात
प्रायोअन्त्राज नानवन्तोअपि च बहुतमसा रौद्रचेश ता हि रौद्राः ||7

Then came Bana with five hundred arrows and opposed you mightily,And soon returned when all his bows were completely shattered, The Saiva fever (Lord of fevers) was overwhelmed by Thy(Vaishnava) fever, , whereupon, that Saiva fever realized the truth and praised you and it blessed That those who understood this story would not be affected by any fever. And went away and though Rudra's followers are also intelligent,Due to predominance of Thamas in them are generally cruel.