Dasakam: 080 -- Slokam: 03
शशंसु: सत्राजिद्गिरमनु जनास्त्वां मणिहरं
जनानां पीयूषं भवति गुणिनां दोषकणिका ।
तत: सर्वज्ञोऽपि स्वजनसहितो मार्गणपर:
प्रसेनं तं दृष्ट्वा हरिमपि गतोऽभू: कपिगुहाम् ॥३॥
shashamsuH satraajidgiramanu janaastvaaM maNiharaM
janaanaaM piiyuuShaM bhavati guNinaaM dOShakaNikaa |
tataH sarvaj~nO(a)pi svajanasahitO maargaNaparaH
prasenaM taM dR^iShTvaa harimapi gatO(a)bhuuH kapiguhaam || 3
janaanaaM piiyuuShaM bhavati guNinaaM dOShakaNikaa |
tataH sarvaj~nO(a)pi svajanasahitO maargaNaparaH
prasenaM taM dR^iShTvaa harimapi gatO(a)bhuuH kapiguhaam || 3
Influenced by the allegations of Satraajit, people believed, Thou had stolen the jewel by killing his brother, . Even a slight fault in the conduct of the virtuous person is like nectar for people in general, for it gives them a chance to slight that person. In spite of the fact that Thou knew everything about the jewel, , Thou went Like an ordinary man started to search for Syamnthaka along with others, And seeing the body of Prasena as well as the lion, were led to the monkey (Jaambavaan's) cave.