Dasakam: 079 -- Slokam: 12
तदधिकैरथ लालनकौशलै: प्रणयिनीमधिकं सुखयन्निमाम् ।
अयि मुकुन्द भवच्चरितानि न: प्रगदतां गदतान्तिमपाकुरु ॥१२॥
tadadhikairatha laalana kaushalaiH praNayiniimadhikaM sukhayannimaam |
ayi mukunda bhavachcharitaani naH pragadataaM gadataantimapaakuru ||12
ayi mukunda bhavachcharitaani naH pragadataaM gadataantimapaakuru ||12
Thou didst enhance her happiness by still bolder talks, And new methods and increased the pleasure more than before-of Rukmani who was your dearest darling and Oh Mukunda, Liberate me from the sufferings caused by the disease, who is always narrating Thy excellences.