Dasakam: 079 -- Slokam: 07
क्वनु गमिष्यसि चन्द्रमुखीति तां सरसमेत्य करेण हरन् क्षणात् ।
समधिरोप्य रथं त्वमपाहृथा भुवि ततो विततो निनदो द्विषाम् ॥७॥
kvanu gamiShyasi chandramukhiiti taaM sarasametya kareNa haran kshaNaat |
samadhirOpya rathaM tvamapaahR^ithaa bhuvi tatO vitatO ninadO dviShaam ||7
samadhirOpya rathaM tvamapaahR^ithaa bhuvi tatO vitatO ninadO dviShaam ||7
Thou Approaching near Rukmani and told her, "Hey moon faced one, where are you trying to go,"
And then Thou caught her by his hands and made her, Thou led her to the chariot and helping her in it, Thou carried her away . Whereupon the widespread uproar among Thy enemies filled the entire earth.
And then Thou caught her by his hands and made her, Thou led her to the chariot and helping her in it, Thou carried her away . Whereupon the widespread uproar among Thy enemies filled the entire earth.