Dasakam: 069 -- Slokam: 07
कापि गण्डभुवि सन्निधाय निजगण्डमाकुलितकुण्डलं
पुण्यपूरनिधिरन्ववाप तव पूगचर्वितरसामृतम् ।
इन्दिराविहृतिमन्दिरं भुवनसुन्दरं हि नटनान्तरे
त्वामवाप्य दधुरङ्गना: किमु न सम्मदोन्मददशान्तरम् ॥७॥
[link]kaa(a)pi gaNDabhuvi sannidhaaya nijagaNDamaakulita kuNDalaM
puNya puura nidhiranvavaapa tava puugacharvita rasaamR^itam |
indiraa vihR^iti mandiraM bhuvanasundaranhi naTanaantare
tvaamavaapya dadhuranganaaH kimu na sammadOnmada dashaantaram || 7[/link\
Another Gopi due to the good things that she has done ,When her ear rings waved , pressed her own cheek on Thy cheek, with earrings dangling on them. She enjoyed the thrill as she intook the nectar like juice from the betel chewed by Thee. The Gopikaas, during the dance, having achieved Laxmi's sport field, Thee, the most beautiful in all the worlds, what states of joyous intoxication did they not attain?