Dasakam: 068 – Slokam: 09
अयि निशम्यतां जीववल्लभा: प्रियतमो जनो नेदृशो मम ।
तदिह रम्यतां रम्ययामिनीष्वनुपरोधमित्यालपो विभो ॥९॥
[link]ayi nishamyataaM jiivavallabhaaH priyatamO janO nedR^ishO mama |
tadiha ramyataanramya yaaminiiShvanuparOdha mityaalapO vibhO || 9[/linkl]
O most dear Ones! Please listen to me. Take it from me that there is none as dear to me as you. Therefore here on the banks of Yamunaa in the beautiful nights sport with me without any hinderance.' enjoy these enchanting moonlit nights in my company.Thus, O Lord! told them.