Dasakam: 066 -- Slokam: 07
[hdवासोहरणदिने यद्वासोहरणं प्रतिश्रुतं तासाम् ।
तद]पि विभो रसविवशस्वान्तानां कान्त सुभ्रुवामदधा: ॥७॥[/hd]
vaasOharaNadine yadvaasO haraNaM pratishrutaM taasaam |
vibhO rasavivashasvaantaanaaM kaantasubhruvaamadadaaH || 7
vibhO rasavivashasvaantaanaaM kaantasubhruvaamadadaaH || 7
Oh Lord , Oh lover of those maidens whose mind O Lord! Thou had promised to them the stealing of clothes Was steeped in sweet love .Thou fulfilled the promises made to them,By erasing from their mind the difference between. "I" and "Mine". Whose minds were overcome with bliss.