Dasakam: 066 -- Slokam: 02
गगनगतं मुनिनिवहं श्रावयितुं जगिथ कुलवधूधर्मम् ।
धर्म्यं खलु ते वचनं कर्म तु नो निर्मलस्य विश्वास्यम् ॥२॥
gaganagataM muninivahaM shraavayituM jagitha kulavadhuu dharmam |
dharmyaM khalu te vachanaM karmatu nO nirmalasya vishvaasyam || 2
dharmyaM khalu te vachanaM karmatu nO nirmalasya vishvaasyam || 2
You talked to them about the ideal duties of a wife,To somehow satisfy the sages who have assembled in the sky, Thy words are to be followed for they are in accordance with the Dharma. But the actions of Thee who are ever pure, should not be practiced by others, because Thy actions do not always conform to the good and bad standards of the world.