Dasakam: 064 -- Slokam: 03
ततोऽवमानोदिततत्त्वबोध: सुराधिराज: सह दिव्यगव्या।
उपेत्य तुष्टाव स नष्टगर्व: स्पृष्ट्वा पदाब्जं मणिमौलिना ते ॥३॥
tatO(a)vamaanOdita tattvabOdhaH suraadhiraajaH saha divyagavyaa |
upetya tuShTaava sa naShTagarvaH spR^iShTvaa padaabjaM maNi maulinaa te || 3
upetya tuShTaava sa naShTagarvaH spR^iShTvaa padaabjaM maNi maulinaa te || 3
[div5]Indra realized the truth about Thee. He came to Thee with the divine cow Kaamadhenu, and sang Thy praises. He touched Thy lotus feet with his bejewelled crowned head.[/div5