Dasakam: 064 -- Slokam: 01
आलोक्य शैलोद्धरणादिरूपं प्रभावमुच्चैस्तव गोपलोका: ।
विश्वेश्वरं त्वामभिमत्य विश्वे नन्दं भवज्जातकमन्वपृच्छन् ॥१॥
aalOkya shailOddharaNaadi ruupaM prabhaavamuchchaistava gOpalOkaaH |
vishveshvaraM tvaamabhimatya vishve nandaM bhavajjaatakamanvapR^ichChan || 1
vishveshvaraM tvaamabhimatya vishve nandaM bhavajjaatakamanvapR^ichChan || 1
All the cowherds after seeing and after witnessing, Thy superhuman deeds suchGreat acts of yours like the lifting of Govardhana,Started thinking that thy indeed were Lord of all,And they again asked Nandagopa ,about Thy horoscope.