Dasakam: 062 -- Slokam: 05
भवद्वाचं श्रुत्वा बहुमतियुतास्तेऽपि पशुपा:
द्विजेन्द्रानर्चन्तो बलिमददुरुच्चै: क्षितिभृते ।
व्यधु: प्रादक्षिण्यं सुभृशमनमन्नादरयुता-
स्त्वमादश्शैलात्मा बलिमखिलमाभीरपुरत: ॥५॥
bhavadvaacham shrutvaa bahumatiyutaaste(a)pi pashupaaH
dvijendraanarchantO balimadaduruchchaiH kshitibhR^ite |
vyadhuH praadakshiNyaM subhR^ishamanamannaadarayutaastvamaadashshailaatmaa
balimakhilamaabhiirapurataH || 5
dvijendraanarchantO balimadaduruchchaiH kshitibhR^ite |
vyadhuH praadakshiNyaM subhR^ishamanamannaadarayutaastvamaadashshailaatmaa
balimakhilamaabhiirapurataH || 5
Hearing Thy words the cowherds also worshipped the holy men with high regards offered worship,To the Brahmins with more care and devotion,And performed a very great sacrifice to please the mountain,And also went round the mountain and offered salutations to it. Thou becoming the soul of the mountain ate all the entire offerings in front of the cowherds.