Dasakam: 061 -- Slokam: 07
विलोलपिञ्छं चिकुरे कपोलयो:
समुल्लसत्कुण्डलमार्द्रमीक्षिते ।
निधाय बाहुं सुहृदंससीमनि
स्थितं भवन्तं समलोकयन्त ता: ॥७॥
vilOlapinchChaM chikure kapOlayOH
samullasatkuNDala maardramiikshite |
nidhaaya baahuM suhR^idaM sasiimani
sthitaM bhavantaM samalOkayanta taaH || 7
samullasatkuNDala maardramiikshite |
nidhaaya baahuM suhR^idaM sasiimani
sthitaM bhavantaM samalOkayanta taaH || 7
The peacock feather was quivering in the locks of Thy hair. Thy two cheeks were glowing with the reflection of the earings. Thy hand was placed on the shoulder of Thy friend. The women joyfully saw Thee standing in this manner in front of them. They saw you with infinite joy.