Dasakam: 061 -- Slokam: 05
निवेदयध्वं गृहिणीजनाय मां
दिशेयुरन्नं करुणाकुला इमा: ।
इति स्मितार्द्रं भवतेरिता गता-
स्ते दारका दारजनं ययाचिरे ॥५॥
nivedayadhvaM gR^ihiNiijanaaya maaM
disheyurannaM karuNaakulaa imaaH |
iti smitaardraM bhavateritaa gataastedaarakaa
daarajanaM yayaachire || 5
disheyurannaM karuNaakulaa imaaH |
iti smitaardraM bhavateritaa gataastedaarakaa
daarajanaM yayaachire || 5
Thou told the boys with a tender smile to go and announce Thy arrival to the housewives. Thou smilingly told them that those women were full of compassion and that they would give food. Thus being told the boys went to the housewives and requested them