Dasakam: 061 -- Slokam: 04
अनादरात् खिन्नधियो हि बालका: ।
समाययुर्युक्तमिदं हि यज्वसु ।
चिरादभक्ता: खलु ते महीसुरा:
कथं हि भक्तं त्वयि तै: समर्प्यते ॥४॥
anaadaraat khinnadhiyO hi baalakaaH
samaayayu-ryuktamidaM hi yajvasu |
chiraadabhaktaaH khalu te mahiisuraaH
kathaM hi bhaktaM tvayi taiH samarpyate ||4
samaayayu-ryuktamidaM hi yajvasu |
chiraadabhaktaaH khalu te mahiisuraaH
kathaM hi bhaktaM tvayi taiH samarpyate ||4
Those gopa boys returned back sad due to the neglect of Brahmins,And this seemed to be very apt in case of them who were wedded to rituals,And were completely devoid of any devotion. Indeed for long they were not devoted to Thee so how was it possible that they would offer food to Thee?