Dasakam: 061 -- Slokam: 03
गतेष्वथो तेष्वभिधाय तेऽभिधां
कुमारकेष्वोदनयाचिषु प्रभो ।
श्रुतिस्थिरा अप्यभिनिन्युरश्रुतिं
न किञ्चिदूचुश्च महीसुरोत्तमा: ॥३॥
gateShvathO teShvabhidhaaya te(a)bhidhaaM
kumaarakeShvOdana yaachiShu prabhO |
shrutisthiraa apyabhininyuH ashrutiM
na ki~nchiduuchushcha mahiisurOttamaaH || 3
kumaarakeShvOdana yaachiShu prabhO |
shrutisthiraa apyabhininyuH ashrutiM
na ki~nchiduuchushcha mahiisurOttamaaH || 3
O Lord! The boys then went to the Braahmins and they mentioned Thy name and asked for food. But the great Braahmins who were known to be well versed in Vedas (Shrutis) acted as if they had not heard anything and did not respond in any manner.