Dasakam: 060 -- Slokam: 08
अधिरुह्य तटं कृताञ्जली: परिशुद्धा: स्वगतीर्निरीक्ष्य ता: ।
वसनान्यखिलान्यनुग्रहं पुनरेवं गिरमप्यदा मुदा ॥८॥
adhiruhya taTaM kR^itaa~njaliiH parishuddhaaH svagatiiH niriikshya taaH |
vasanaanyakhilaanyanugrahaM punarevaM giramapyadaa mudaa || 8
vasanaanyakhilaanyanugrahaM punarevaM giramapyadaa mudaa || 8
Thou saw that the girls had come up the bank with joined palms, that they were purified at heart and that they had surrendered to Thee as their sole resort.Thou with joy gave them back all their clothes and also words of promise as blessings.