Dasakam: 060 -- Slokam: 06
इह तावदुपेत्य नीयतां वसनं व: सुदृशो यथायथम् ।
इति नर्ममृदुस्मिते त्वयि ब्रुवति व्यामुमुहे वधूजनै: ॥६॥
iha taavadupetya niiyataaM vasanaM vaH sudR^ishO yathaayatham |
iti narma mR^idusmite tvayi bruvati vyaamumuhe vadhuujanaiH || 6
iti narma mR^idusmite tvayi bruvati vyaamumuhe vadhuujanaiH || 6
With a gentle, teasing smile, come here, O beautiful eyed ones! Thou, invited them to come to Thee and take the garments which belonged to each one of them, without any mix-up. Hearing Thy words, the maidens were extremely embarrassed.