Dasakam: 060 -- Slokam: 03
इति मासमुपाहितव्रतास्तरलाक्षीरभिवीक्ष्य ता भवान् ।
करुणामृदुलो नदीतटं समयासीत्तदनुग्रहेच्छया ॥३॥
iti maasamupaahita vrataaH taralaakshii rabhiviikshya taa bhavaan |
karuNaa mR^idulO nadiitaTaM samayaasiittadanugrahechChayaa || 3
karuNaa mR^idulO nadiitaTaM samayaasiittadanugrahechChayaa || 3
Thou were moved by compassion when Thou saw that the beautiful eyed girls had performed the vows for a month. With a desire to bless them Thou went to the river bank.