Dasakam: 59-- Slokam: 07
निर्विशङ्कभवदङ्गदर्शिनी: खेचरी: खगमृगान् पशूनपि ।
त्वत्पदप्रणयि काननं च ता: धन्यधन्यमिति नन्वमानयन् ॥७॥
nirvishanka bhavadanga darshiniiH khechariiH khagamR^igaan pashuunapi |
tvatpadapraNayi kaananaM cha taaH dhanyadhanyamiti nanvamaanayan || 7
tvatpadapraNayi kaananaM cha taaH dhanyadhanyamiti nanvamaanayan || 7
The celstial damsels were able to see Thy form without restrictions or hinderence. The birds and animals and cows also could see Thy form directly. Even the forest/earth was always having contact with Thy feet and saw Thy form as Thou roamed about. The Gopikaas of Vraja regarded all of them very fortunate and blessed.