Dasakam: 058 -- Slokam: 07
त्वयि विमुखमिवोच्चैस्तापभारं वहन्तं
तव भजनवदन्त: पङ्कमुच्छोषयन्तम् ।
तव भुजवदुदञ्चद्भूरितेज:प्रवाहं
तपसमयमनैषीर्यामुनेषु स्थलेषु ॥७॥
tvayi vimukhamivOchchaiH taapa bhaaraM vahantaM
tava bhajanavadantaH pankamuchChOShayantam |
tava bhujavaduda~nchad bhuuritejaH pravaahaM
tapasamayamanaiShiiryaamuneShu sthaleShu || 7
tava bhajanavadantaH pankamuchChOShayantam |
tava bhujavaduda~nchad bhuuritejaH pravaahaM
tapasamayamanaiShiiryaamuneShu sthaleShu || 7
You spent the entire summer in the banks of Yamuna,With the intensity of heat that is similar to the pain of those who hate you,Which dries up all the sins within you similar to its drying all trees,
And which is similar to the luster of heat generated by your hand.
And which is similar to the luster of heat generated by your hand.