Dasakam: 058 -- Slokam: 06
जय जय तव माया केयमीशेति तेषां
नुतिभिरुदितहासो बद्धनानाविलास: ।
पुनरपि विपिनान्ते प्राचर: पाटलादि-
प्रसवनिकरमात्रग्राह्यघर्मानुभावे ॥६॥
jaya jaya tava maayaa keyamiisheti teShaaM
nutibhirudita haasO baddhanaanaa vilaasaH |
punarapi vipinaante praacharaH paaTalaadi
prasava nikara maatra graahyagharmaanubhaave || 6
nutibhirudita haasO baddhanaanaa vilaasaH |
punarapi vipinaante praacharaH paaTalaadi
prasava nikara maatra graahyagharmaanubhaave || 6
Expressing great wonder at this Maya, of Thine and praying ardently for Thy evergrowing glory, the cowherds praised Thee. Accepting their praises with a gracious smile, Thou, indulging in various charming sports, roamed about in that pleasant forest region, where the summer season could be recognised only by the blossoming of thePatala trees , as the intensity of heat could not be felt there .