Dasakam: 057 -- Slokam: 06
[hd2]कल्पितविजेतृवहने समरे परयूथगं स्वदयिततरम् ।
श्रीदामानमधत्था: पराजितो भक्तदासतां प्रथयन् ॥६॥[/hg2]
kalpita vijetR^ivahane samare parayuuthagaM svadayitataram |
shriidaamaanamadhatthaaH paraajitO bhaktadaasataaM prathayan ||6
shriidaamaanamadhatthaaH paraajitO bhaktadaasataaM prathayan ||6
In accordance with the rules of the game, that the winner should be carried on the backof the loser, Thou, who lost the fight, carried Thy best friend, Sridaama, (who was inthe winning team), on Thy back, thus demonstrating Thy affection for Thy devotees.